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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cuenta atrás para que comiencen las olimpiadas “más justas” de la Historia

Countdown so that they begin the justest “olympic games” of the History


11 July 2012

London 2012 will be the justest Olympic games “” of the History, since they will serve coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, bananas, came and oranges of Just Trade in all the headquarters. Like this it supports to all those producers, workers and his communities in the countries in roads of development.

The organisers estimate that during the Olímpiadas 2012 in London will consume , roughly, some 10 million bananas of the Islands Windward and of Sudamérica; they will serve 7,5 million cups of tea; they will drink 14 million coffees with the stamp Fairtrade and 10 million sobres of dark sugar, pertinent of Belize, endulzarán drunk and desserts.

For the producers and workers of the countries in roads of development that work with Fairtrade these figures no only suppose can sell his products to a just and sustainable price, but besides the entry of some 125.000 euros in concept of “Premium Fairtrade”. This Premium is a plus that will allocate to social projects like the construction of schools, sportive zones, systems of drinkable water or sanitary ware resources and to projects of development of the business.

The decision to offer products Fairtrade during the six weeks that will last the Olympic games is responsibility of the initiative 'London 2012 Food Vision', attendant to supervise the standards of sustainability of the services of catering of some olympic games in which they will serve , in total, 14 million foods.

Besides, and with the mind put in the olympic candidature Madrid 2020, Fairtrade Spain encourages to the organisers to include, to the equal that in London, the products of Just Trade in the menus so much of the participants as of the visitors.

The City council of Madrid has showed already his commitment in this sense, when receiving, in October of the year 2011, the certification of “City by the Trade Justo” and by the agreement signed with Fairtrade Spain that boosts the organisation of conjoint activities to favour the notoriety and the consumption of these products in the capital.


Related Companies or Entities

Fairtrade España (Sello Comercio Justo)