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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Asociación Grupo Fashion renueva su acuerdo con la Fundación Española del Corazón

Association Group Fashion renews his agreement with the Spanish Foundation del Corazón


25 May 2012

By second consecutive year, the Association Group Fashion (To.G.F) form splits of the program of business participation of the Spanish Foundation del Corazón (FEC). The Foundation works to spread between the population the habits of healthy life and the prevention of the cardiovascular illnesses.

Nowadays there is an increasing interest in the consumers by the feeding cardiosaludable. The diets and recipes cardiosaludables facilitate the fulfillment of a beneficial alimentary plan for the organism.

From the Foundation incentiva to the industry to that it develop products more beneficial for the health, and have the Program of Feeding and Health (PASFEC) to facilitate to the consumer the identification of the healthiest products, basing in objective criteria established previously by experts of the FEC. The program is a referent of prescription, incentiva the innovation in the alimentary products and the responsible consumption by part of the consumers.

The watermelon fashion that commercialises the Association Group Fashion is an allied food with the health. It treats of a rich product in vitamins To, B1, B2, B3, calcium and phosphorus, with a high level of licopeno, that has antioxidant properties and endows to the watermelon of preventive properties of illnesses. It is also beneficial for the circulatory system, since it contains citrulina, a substance that produces a relaxation of the glasses capilares. The citrulina turns into an essential amino acid called arginine, that produces beneficial effects in the heart, in the circulatory device and in the immune system. The arginine also has an effect cicatrizante, since when improving the blood irrigation help to cure the wounds and besides favours the elimination of the excess of ammonia of the organism that can result harmful for the health.

The Spanish Foundation del Corazón, through his Program of Feeding and Health, supports these profits, recommends the consumption of fruit and recognises that the content in citrulina and licopeno of the watermelon, in the context of a diet balanced and the practice of exercise, contribute to improve the cardiovascular health.

Of left to right, José Garcia Martín, president of the AGF, beside Leandro Square Celemin, president FEC
Of left to right, José Garcia Martín, president of the AGF, beside Leandro Square Celemin, president FEC.

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