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Of the 8 to 10 February gather more than 2.550 display units of the five continents in the enclosure of Messe Berlin

Fruit Logistica 2012, the reference in the universe hortofrutícola

Editorial Interempresas24/01/2012

24 January 2012

As every year, at the beginning of February, the world of the fruit and the vegetables has an appointment: Fruit Logistica. The German living room goes back to beat records, and in this occasion gathers, of the 8 to 10 February, to more than 2.550 display units of 83 countries, expecting surpass the figure of 56.000 visitors of 134 countries that attended to the enclosure berlinés in the past edition. The demonstrations, exhibitions, parallel conferences, and especially the purely commercial contact, will be the basic axles of the most important appointment to commercial level of the sector hortofrutícola to world-wide level.
A total of 56.000 is the number of visitors that Fruit Logistica pretends to reach in this new edition, that takes place of the 8 to 10 February in the enclosure of Messe Berlin, and where has gone back to beat the record of display units, with more than 2.550, a hundred more than in the previous edition, pertinent of 83 countries. In the three days of length all they deploy in front of the big public specialised his products and services, in an optimum frame for the promotion of the same. Fruit Logistica Allows to the wholesale trade and retailer a big opportunity to go in in contact with his customers and have a global vision of the market.

In this occasion, Italy is clearly the country that more display units carries until Berlin (461), surpassing to the rest of countries of the Mediterranean arch –like Spain (274) and France (235)– and Germany and the Low Countries, that with 270 and 265, respectively, also contribute a good number of display units.

Spain is one of the countries that occupies greater space expositivo
Spain is one of the countries that occupies greater space expositivo.

Forums and debates complement the program of Fruit Logistica

In addition to a panoramic complete of the products and services of all the chain of production and distribution of fruit and vegetables and his commercialisation, Fruit Logistica 2012 offers to the participants a program of conferences of high flights. The most stood out representatives of the trade hortofrutícola can inform in this event about current questions, problems and tendencies of all the sector during the celebration of a series of acts, seminars and colloquia-debates. They initiate as it is usual the day before of the inauguration ferial, on 7 February, with the forum of commercialisation of cool products: the '31 Forum of cool products, fruit and vegetables', in the ICC Berlin. The central subject is in this occasion the 'Procurement 2020'.
The '31 Forum of cool products, fruit and vegetables' will debate on the procurement of fruit and vegetables of quality, that will turn into the decade that comes in one of the challenges of greater transcendence
In the pavilion 15.2 will debate on the procurement of fruit and vegetables of quality, that will turn into the decade that comes in one of the challenges of greater transcendence. On the one hand the retail trade will try with denodado encourage to do with a direct procurement with the end to ensure the acquisition of products on a long-term basis, but also with the aim to optimise the costs and exert greater influjo in the products and specification of the same. In an increase imparable of the global population of the world, the production will see abocada to a redistribution. On the other hand it will see affected also the paper that exerts the classical distributor of fruit and vegetables. It will have to show once again his competition like provider. They will argue amongst other the following complex questions: Which repercussions will have the procurement straight across of the retail? How they will have to position the organisations of producers and the companies trading companies? Which consequences will have the global demographic development and the continuous expansion of markets so powerful like Russia, Middle East or Asia on the procurements and currents of supply?

Expert international of the scientific field, the production and the trade wholesale and retailer will analyse the situation and will give a vision of future. What future expects him to the trade hortofrutícola? How adapt of the best way? Between the plantel of orators find Cindy go Rijswick, analyst of the Industry of the Fruit, Vegetables and Floriculture for the Rabobank (Holland); Dietmar Bahler, of BayWa; Bernd Schröder, director of Business of Fruit, Vegetables and Flowers of the Foundation Gutberlet Stiftung & Co; Andrew Sharp, technical director of Cool (Great Britain); and Andreas Allenspach, of go Rijn Group B.V.

In the past edition of the Forum of cool products...
In the past edition of the Forum of cool products, fruit and vegetables the subject was 'The value of our feeding under the perspective of the big surfaces'. Photo: Messe Berlin.
A total of six forums appear in the program of the three days feriales. The conferences, organised by the German magazine 'Fruchthandel Magazine', realise in the hall of the pavilion 26. The first day of fair, on 8 February, tackle two subjects: 1) Logistical for the urban retailer–Optimisation of the local logistics (11-12 h.), where will debate how the supply of goods struggles for keeping his deliveries to time in big urban centres that see subjected increasingly to a traffic complicated: retentions, noises, pollution. The local logistics has to procure optimise of the most effective way. It will do the presentation of a project whose purpose is the saving of costs, the reduction of noise and of CO2 and the optimisation of the deliveries. In this meeting cooperate the same competitors. 2) The second forum treats on the 'Good management of the crises' (15-16 h.). They will signal strategies and how look for the suitable answers, new elements and solutions to warn all the unexpected of the best way and for, arrived the moment, be properly ready. What have to procure do the different estamentos that compose the retail trade? How has to pose the communication with the consumers? Clara Aguilera, adviser of Agriculture of Andalucia, and Robert Schaller, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Feeding and Consumption of the German government, have confirmed his assistance to this forum.

The next day, the Thursday 10, will be the hour to speak of 'Citrus–Consumption and global production'. This forum gives tracks about the current moment and which are the tendencies that outline in the world-wide production of citrus fruit and his consumption in Europe, of the hemisphere south and of other supplying countries. The market is in full change. Where it goes to increase the production? And where it goes to reduce? Which are the responsible factors? What have to expect of the future? Which strategy has to adopt the trade? Already in the afternoon, the turn will be for the business of the banana. Under the title 'Bananas - A clear business', will treat the market of a cool product that sees subjected constantly to challenges of special índole. The market is highly competitive and the favour of the consumer it is necessary to win it to pulse. Which are the conflictive points of the moment? How can improve the offer? How increase the consumption?

In the year 2011, one of the protagonists was the chef, expert in feeding, Alfons Schuhbeck, with more than 30 titles published...
In the year 2011, one of the protagonists was the chef, expert in feeding, Alfons Schuhbeck, with more than 30 titles published.
The last day, the Friday 11, will speak of the 'Regionalidad - An international vision'. The regionalidad is one of the big subjects of the trade, based in the confidence and the reliability between producer and consumer with intermediate of the points of sale. Many are the countries providers that work in his national and international markets with data about the origin of his products and that constitute the cardinal axis of his strategies of marketing. How can improve the marked concept by the success? How create an environingingment of collaboration that optimise all the productive chain? Of which way can participate with greater forcefulness the trade?

Finally, and just before the delivery of the prizes FLIA 2012, will speak precisely of the innovations in the business hortofrutícola. What has been of the winners of the prize FLIA of previous editions? They have achieved to enter in the markets? They have arrived to be important for the consumer? What can learn of all this? That converts an innovation in a success?

Freshconex, the complement perfect for the sector of 'conveniences' of fruit and vegetables cool

The big platform for businesses and information, only in Europe, of products of suitability fruit and vegetables, the living room Freshconex, offers of the 8 to 10 February a wide panoramic about the products and services of this dynamic market in constant growth. For the first time in Freshconex 2012 there will be living rooms and pavilions devoted in scoop to cool products (Pab. 7.2c) and for the technological sector (Pab. 7.2b). This earns special meaning and offers a panoramic concentrated of the corresponding segments and facilitates the access to the professional visitors and his reception. The living room Freshconex integrates like this in the route ferial of Fruit Logistica. A total of 57 companies expositoras have confirmed his participation, between them two Spaniards: Agrolito, company murciana devoted to the commercialisation of lettuces and shoots for IV range; and the Valencian Zumoval, mark of reference in exprimidores of citrus fruit.

On the other hand, the Business Forum of Freshconex will be the platform for the information and debates and will tackle current subjects of the sector in all his facets. Three are the subjects that treat : 'New opportunities for the products of cool suitability of fruit and vegetables and his commercialisation' (the day 8); 'hygiene in the foods' (the day 9) and 'Technology and development of the production' (the last day of fair). Along these three days offers the opportunity to the experts and international speakers to centre in an intense exchange of options and opinions.

The company Zumoval was the only Spanish representative in the past edition of Freshconex
The company Zumoval was the only Spanish representative in the past edition of Freshconex.

Turkey, the country invited of honour

Turkey has turned into one of the nations of reference in the commercialisation hortofrutícola in the world by the quality of his products, by the demand reached and by his enormous productive capacity and competitive structures. From the year 2000, the country, that produces annually around 44 million tonnes of fruit and vegetables and exports by a value of 2.100 million dollars, takes part of way stood out in the sample Fruit Logistica. Turkey exports 2,9 million tonnes of fruit and vegetables, what corresponds to 6,6% of his total production. Until the year 2023, Turkey has like aim an increase of the exports by a value closely of 10.000 million dollars. This put so ambitious sees widely reflected in this edition of Fruit Logistica. Turkey exhibits his more striking presentation in quality of country invited of honour. The organiser of this Turkish presentation is by ninth time Mediterranean Exporter Unions.

In a surface of 1.000 square metres in the pab..1 se Situate 30 Turkish companies of the sector of cool fruit and tado. Equally the group Turkish Citrus Promotion –that carries to versasades All over the world with the end of promocionar the distribution andto sale of citrus fruit– participates in the event and will devote acutely to wingpromoción of his products.

Turkey is one of the leading countries of this edition of Fruit Logistica
Turkey is one of the leading countries of this edition of Fruit Logistica.

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