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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los asociados de '5 al día' firman la Declaración de Madrid
The international congress, under the lemma '5 to the day, question of health' put of self-evident the a lot of that still remains for doing in the field of the promotion of fruits and hortalizas

The associated of '5 to the day' sign the Statement of Madrid

Editorial Interempresas02/11/2011

2 November 2011

"Although we go achieving objective between all, remains us a lot that do in this field". With these words began the past 18 October the president of the AESAN (Spanish Agency of Alimentary Security and Nutrition) , Roberto Sabrido, his review general on the current situation of the consumption of fruits and vegetables in Spain during the inauguration of the VII International Congress '5 to the day, question of health'. During the congress the associated Spaniards had the opportunity to sign two important agreements: the Statement of Madrid and the 'International Alliance of Associations and Movements 5 to the day'.
Josep Puxeu, secretary of State of Half Rural and Water, went the attendant to put an end the past 18 October to the VII International Congress of Promotion to the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables, in which during two days did special upsetting, with Spain of hostess, in subjects related with the sector hortofrutícola and the fight to eradicate the childish obesity. During his speech of closure, Puxeu said to feel “especially satisfied” with the signature of the Statement of Madrid since, according to his words, “this signature involves the support to the consumption and enjoy of fruits and hortalizas of way continued, what guarantees the development of a society balanced and with health”.
The secretary of State of Half Rural and Water, Josep Puxeu...
The secretary of State of Half Rural and Water, Josep Puxeu, went the attendant to close the VII International Congress of Promotion to the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables.
During his speech manifested also feel especially satisfied with the signature of the Statement of Madrid, since “it involves the support to the consumption and enjoy of fruits and hortalizas of way continued, what guarantees the development of a society balanced and with health”. Besides, it did special upsetting in the work that the Spanish companies of production of fruits and hortalizas realise/realize, and that represents, at present, one of the most dynamic sectors of our economy.

reso Had been inaugurated the previous day of the hand of the president of the Association '5 to the day', Joaquín Rey, and the president of the AESAN, Roberto Sabrido, that began his speech giving to know the aims that so much the Agency like the Association have in common and look for to develop: “The fundamental aim of the congress is to boost the consumption of fruits and vegetables like fundamental habit for the public health, aim that coincides with the strategy of 'Nutrition, Physical Activity and Prevention of the Obesity' of the Ministry of Health, whose aim is to boost a diet balanced. “Therefore, a healthy feeding”.

Besides, put in knowledge of the assistants data of big interest arisen of the last study realised/realized by the AESAN on the Spanish dietary consumption. This survey realised/realized in 3.000 people, of between 18 and 64 years, of all the Spanish geography puts of self-evident that still remains a lot of work that do in the area of the consumption of fruits and hortalizas. So only we consume 208 grams to the day of the first, that is to say, less than three pieces of fruit; and only 37% of the population does it of daily way. The case is not more alentador when it spoke of the consumption of vegetables: the half consumption corresponds to 1,5 daily rations and always between the population of greater age, where the consumption of vegetables increases whereas the one of other products, like the red meat, descends.

To the izq...
To the izq.: JoãOr Breda, director of the Program 'Nutrition, Physical Activity and illnesses of no transmission related with the Obesity' and of the Division for the Promotion of the Health of the WHO in Europe, beside the chair in Nutrition, Iciar Astiasarán, in a moment of the conference magistral. To the right: the Auditorium during a report of the congress.
Colombia will be the headquarters of the VIII Congress and besides will have the presidency of the International Alliance, that recae in Adriana Senior

'5 to the day' engages '

The appointment in Madrid, point of meeting of the associations and movements '5 to the day' of all the world, made possible also the signature of two important international commitments in this sense. The first of them has been the 'Statement of Madrid', in which, as it signals Joaquín Rey, president of '5 to the day' in Spain, “put in evidence the problems of health to global level and the low consumption of fruits and hortalizas that gives in the societies in general, a fact corroborated by the data since “every year they die at least 2,8 million people adults by excess of weight”. Of this form, the parts involved ask to the national and international authorities competent that do all the necessary efforts to “conserve, protect, support and improve the movements '5 to the day' to world-wide level”, as well as consolidate the strategies that boost the consumption of fruits and hortalizas and the alimentary education-nutritional. And to all this have engaged Holland, New Zealand, Switzerland, Hungary, France, Mexico, Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, Cuba and Uruguay.
On the other hand, also it has signed the 'International Alliance of Associations and Movements 5 to the day', a forum of collaboration between the associations and movements '5 to the day' world-wide that pursues to sensitise/sensitize to the governments on the need to promote politics of health based in the promotion of healthy alimentary habits. “We have agreed in this congress that '5 to the day' was an only message, a message referent of quantification of consumption for the society”, remarked Joaquín Rey.

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Asociación de Promoción del Consumo de Frutas y Hortalizas 5 Al Día - 5aldia