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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La hortaliza murciana se exporta a 35 países, principalmente de la UE
From Murcia to the world

The murcian vegetable exports to 35 countries, mainly from the EU

Drafting Interempresas10/06/2011

on June 10, 2011

Although these days the murcian huerta, as well as other areas of Spain, they are not going through their best time because of the crisis triggered in Germany by the outbreak of the bacteria e. coli, erroneously associated initially with the Spanish cucumber, the reality is that Murcia has become in recent years in nerve center of our exports of vegetables. Consignments of fruit and vegetables in the region of Murcia during 2010 its value increased 13% with respect to the previous year, reaching 1,605 million euros, but fell by 3.8 per cent volume, stood at 1.807.098 tonnes.

Lettuce, the Queen of the murcian vegetables

Lettuce is, by far, the product that highest figures contributes irrigated fruit and vegetable export, because in 2010 were sent 432.462 tons for a value of EUR 405 million figure that represented 26% more than in 2009. Furthermore, Murcia to the European Union, mainly supplies, 74% of the lettuce exported by Spain.

After this product, the Group of cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower and others) contributed 202 million euros in 2010, a 4% increase over the previous year. The export volume was similar to the previous year, 210.114 tons, representing 67% of murcian exports.

Murcia supplies to the European Union, mainly, 74% of the lettuce exported by Spain
The tomato, vegetable third in importance for the region, reduced exports by 28% in 2010, from 124.991 tonnes to 89.414. Behind these figures lies the influence of the competition from third countries, mainly outside the community, which has affected the regional productive fabric. Nevertheless, the tomato remains the main vegetable exported by Spain and the region of Murcia is 12% of these exports, with a value of EUR 92.2 million.

As for other exported vegetables, celery fell 8% in volume to 48.468 tonnes, artichoke reduced 21% the exported tons (4.257), pepper (65.234 tons) grew 6% and spinach (4.915 tons) 4%.


The melon, the King of the murcian fruit

In the chapter on exported fruit, Proexport noted an increase in the profitability of the melon in 2010, with 105 million exported (25% more) with a similar volume (168.801 tonnes). Also the watermelon grew significantly last year, with 121.868 tons exported (one 58% increase over the previous year) amounting to 46.011 million euros (85%). These figures indicate the recovery of a sector that suffered serious crisis in 2009.

Instead the lemon cut their exports by 21% in volume (250.120 tons) and 3% in value (189 million euros). Finally, table grapes, acquire greater role in the export regionally, increasing their shipments by 21% in volume (76.280 tons) and 31% in value (EUR 122 million).

Exports from the region of Murcia in 2010. Source: Proexport and customs
Exports from the region of Murcia in 2010. Source: Proexport and customs.

Proexport, representative of the great murciano horticultural business network

Although figures for the 2010-11 campaign will tend to decline, for the moment the latest data that we have, for the 2009-10 campaign, we can affirm that the murcian horticultural sector has established itself, especially with the presence of organizations like Proexport, combining efforts to create a lattice business strong and power project abroad in a common way.

Companies associated with Proexport released 867.823 tons during the 2009-2010 campaign, similar to the previous campaign (869.184 t) amount. The value of production amounts to 690 million euros, 4% more than in the previous year. Export represents 64% of partners marketing Proexport, who in the 2009-2010 campaign sent 552.152 tonnes of fruit and vegetables outside our borders, 1 per cent less than in the previous campaign.

While in general the region of Murcia was a decline in production on the previous campaign, the incorporation of major corporations to the collective of Proexport (Natural Salads, commercial Peregrín or Surinver,) in the last few months allowed to maintain and even increase the sectoral representativeness of this Association.

Some of the major partners posed together during the last edition of Fruit Logistica
Some of the major partners posed together during the last edition of Fruit Logistica.
Companies associated with Proexport released 867.823 tons during the 2009-2010 campaign, similar to the previous campaign amount
Of the 35 countries that sent his production partners in the 2009-2010 campaign, United Kingdom remains the main destination of fruit and vegetables exported to 162.917 tonnes. Germany is the second destination in importance for the partners of Proexport, with 134.640 tonnes received in the 2009-2010 campaign and 23 per cent of representation, and the Netherlands third.

In addition to the community, Proexport companies include customers destinations such as Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Croatia, Iceland or Saudi Arabia. "Many of these exports have grown in recent years, fruit of the latest commercial actions organized from Proexport, in collaboration with the Plan of foreign promotion of the region of Murcia", stressed the President of the Association.