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Watermelon Fashion reinforces his presence in internet


27 May 2014

With the aim to be each day more near of his consumers, Group AGF and his watermelon Fashion they bet this year by an important on-line presence.

Fashion It has incorporated to two new social networks, by what now can follow to watermelon Fashion in Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and Google+.

Has created, where no only find all the related with the product, but also original and modern contents on lifestyles, sport, health... The mark also has presence in other leading blogs, as the one of the blogger fashionable Barbaric Crespo.

And could not be missing the apps, that like other years can download in tablets and mobile telephones.

Group AGF is cream in the year 2002 and gathers to 18 companies of different points of Spain, delivered between the provinces of Almería, Granada, Seville, Murcia, Alicante, Valencia, Castellón, Tarragona, Huesca, Ciudad Real and Balearic.

The Group AGF is proprietary of the watermelon without seeds marks Fashion, that leads the sector of without seeds in Europe.

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Grupo AGF Fashion

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