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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Dolores Suárez, nueva presidenta de la IGP Ajo Morado de Las Pedroñeras

Dolores Suárez, new president of the IGP Crumple Dwelt of The Pedroñeras


28 April 2014

The Geographic Indication Protected (IGP) Purple Garlic of The Pedroñeras, in his last general assembly, has appointed new president to Dolores Suárez Purse, commercial director of JR Suárez Purse, company ascribed to the IGP Crumple Dwelt of The Pedroñeras.

The flamante president signals, after manifesting his satisfaction by the new charge, that between his aims is “to combat through the marchamo of quality that gives us the IGP the problems of the invasion of the Chinese garlic and other garlics of inferior quality, máxime in a moment as now in which it threatens us a new contingent of entrance of this product, unfair because we do not compete in equality of conditions”.

In this sense Dolores Suárez manifested that the IGP Crumple Dwelt of the Pedroñeras is the only stamp in Spain for this product, with a recognition of quality to international level endorsed by the European Union “and have to defend in the market, in front of the consumer and in front of our public servicys that the measures arancelarias can not treat by the same the garlic produced in Europe, with some requirements in matter of quality and opposite alimentary hygiene to which carry out in countries like China, where do not respect in some cases neither the human rights neither the labour, to produce garlic”.

By this reason, Dolores Suárez insists that from the IGP Crumple Dwelt of the Pedroñeras “will continue setting up actions of promotion and differentiation of our product, because to the consumer has to arrive him the correct information for take his own decisions to the hour to buy, and be able to value in what go  these cents of difference in a redecilla of garlics in the supermarket with the stamp of the IGP Crumple Dwelt of the Pedroñeras, if you compare it with a redecilla or the granel of the garlics that they arrive us from China; in conditions of salubridad and own alimentary quality of  third countries, that a lot are distant of the legal requirements that fulfil here”.

On the other hand, Dolores Suárez, wants to appreciate the confidence of the members of the Board Directive of the Association and recognise “the big work of promotion and defence of our product that the previous president, José María Pacheco Izquierdo has carried out in the last years from the breast of the IGP Crumple Dwelt of The Pedroñeras”. Dolores Suárez is Technical Upper in Commercial Management and Marketing and has a dilated experience in international management of companies and strategies and management of external trade. From the year 2006 is commercial director of JR Suárez Purse and of the Society Agroalimentaria Pedroñeras.

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C.R.I.G.P. Ajo Morado de Las Pedroñeras

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