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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Se celebra la jornada sobre ‘Análisis de los factores que controlan el consumo de fruta’

It celebrates the day on ‘Analysis of the factors that control the consumption of fruit'


27 March 2014

The City council of Miralcamp (Lleida), with the collaboration of the Irta, the Consortium Leader of the Urgell and of the Plan of Urgell, and of Gustum, organises this technical day on the factors that control the consumption of fruit the next day 2 April in Miralcamp (Lleida).

A very generalised problem in the sector frutícola is the stagnation or even decrease of the consumption of fruit, which is especially worrisome in the species that more weight have in the Spanish production, as they are the apple, the pear and the peach or the nectarine. With this it is necessary to add that the self-evident consumer a complaint reiterating the fault of quality in the fruit that finds in the market.

On the other hand, exists an increasing interest by the health like main indicator of welfare, what would have to serve of stimulus in our efforts like producers, since the fruit has a big nutritional value that contributes us, among others, phenolic compounds, which are directly related with the health.

Once recognised the problem and collected some possible causes or factors in which we can take part, are in conditions to change this tendency and improve the health of all?.

The day is free but is necessary to inscribe in the telephone of the City council of Miralcamp 973601701.

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