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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at 5 al día cierra su XVI Asamblea General de Socios con ilusión y nuevos proyectos

5 to the day closes his XVI General Assembly of Partners with illusion and new projects


13 March 2014

In the Living room of Acts of the offices in Mercamadrid, gathered many of the partners of 5 to the day the past day 3 March, with reason of the celebration of the annual event more important of the Association, his XVI General Assembly of Partners 5 to the day.

During the same, informed to the partners on the accounts of the past year, the activities carried out, the plan of performance foreseen for the 2014, the budgets for this same year and the work exerted by the Scientific Committee. Also they took place the elections to Managerial Board.


After finalising the Assembly celebrated the usual dinner of partners, in the restaurant Ten and Half, where took place the delivery of the VII Edition of the Prizes 5 to the day. The rewarded this year were:

In the Category of Society rewarded to Consum S. Coop. By his work like private company that encourages for spreading our message between the population.

In the Category of Childish, the prize was for the company Fulgencio Spa. S.L., whose entity does special upsetting in teaching to the smallest the profits of the consumption of fruit and vegetables to grow healthy.

And finally in the Category of Divulging, rewarded to the program of TVE MasterChef, for transmitting to all the population the taste by the kitchen and some habits of healthy life. In this occasion could have the presence of Pepe Rodríguez and Samantha Vallejo-Nájera, part of the jury of the program, that accompanied in the dinner and collected the prizes.

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