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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Fruit Logistica finaliza su ruta por las principales regiones productoras españolas con su visita a Almería

Fruit Logistica Finalises his route by the main producing regions Spaniards with his visit to Almería


16 January 2014


After the day headed to the producers almerienses, Fruit Logistica gives by concluded the series of acts that has carried out by different producing regions of the Spanish market, in a sample of the weight that has said market for the organisation and the commercial platform more important of the sector.

The day in Almería has had the presence of a veintena of companies devoted to the sector hortofrutícola those who have been able to share recommendations and procedures for rentabilizar the assistance to Berlin of the best way.

The session, inaugurated by the president of the Camera of Trade of the city, Diego Martínez Cano, has had the interventions of Enrique of the Rivers, general manager of Unica Group, MªJosé Almendros and Francisco of the Priest, of the British multinational Barfoots, and René Rombouts, general director of the quality consultancy Agridesk. All they have coincided in the need to participate in the fair like the most appropriate way to know the course that takes the sector to short and half term as well as the need to be present in this appointment ineludible for the positioning of the companies hortofrutícolas to international level.

From the organisation, Silvia of Juanes, director of communication of Fruit Logistica for Spain and Latin America, acted of teacher of ceremonies and presented to the assistants the tools of which can do use to prepare his participation in the next edition, that will give beginning the next day 5 February in Messe Berlin.

Catalonia, Region of Murcia and Valencian Community have been the others producing regions chosen by Fruit Logistica to carry out this group of briefings that have allowed to the organisation approach to the Spanish market.

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