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Alimentary Exhibitions and Grup Gsr promote together projects of gastronomic promotion


17 September 2013

Alimentary Exhibitions and Grup Gsr have signed a new agreement that will reinforce the international projection of Barcelona like international gastronomic capital during the next edition of the Alimentary living room (of 31 March to 3 April 2014). Thanks to this collaboration, the new area of gastronomic activities 'The Alimentary Experience' will have the most notable figures of the Spanish kitchen. Also they will create new projects and local events to the margin of the fair and will realizar activities of gastronomic promotion in international markets prioritarios for the industry agroalimentaria Spanish.

For this mission join the bagaje ferial and knowledge of the sector of the instrument organiser of Alimentary and of his living rooms homónimos in Brazil, Mexico DF and Lisbon, and the experience in multidisciplinary projects linked to the gastronomic promotion of the Grup Gsr, company directed by Roser Torras, one of the key people in the revolution of the Spanish kitchen initiated the 1975.

Alimentary Exhibitions and Grup Gsr will work also with the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, Feeding and Half Natural of the Generalitat of Catalonia and with the City council of Barcelona to set up these new activities.

The general director of Alimentary Exhibitions, Josep Antoni Valls, has underlined “the reinforcement that supposes this agreement to promote the channel of the hospitality industry and the catering in Alimentary of the hand of a company leader like Grup Gsr that has all the guarantees of the sector”. By his part, the director of Grup Gsr, Roser Torras, has stood out “the importance to go back to work and collaborate closely with Alimentary, especially in this new stage of national and international growth”.

The collaboration between Alimentary Exhibitions and Grup Gsr traces back to the year 2004, when the living room Restaurama of Alimentary, devoted to the catering out of the home, experienced a significant growth that, since, has situated it like one of the most important sectors of the fair.

One of the key factors of this success was the incorporation of activities linked to the gastronomy, the maximum expressesion of which went the International Congress of gastronomy of Barcelona, BCNVanguardia, an event that, thanks to the technical office and conceptualización of Grup Gsr, has brought to each edition of Alimentary the most notable figures of the national and international kitchen. The result of this alliance between the alimentary industry and the gastronomy has propiciado a growth of the living room Restaurama of 240% from his birth in 2002.

In Alimentary 2014, the group of gastronomic activities of Restaurama will celebrate inside the new space 'The Alimentary Experience', that simultaneará culinary demonstrations, formative classrooms, presentations of new products, tastings and gastronomic workshops of the highest level designed and carried out by Grup Gsr. This new gastronomic project explains already with the guarantee of the committee organiser of Restaurama.

To the success of the living room Restaurama has contributed to a large extent the constitution of his committee organiser, composed by notable directors and executives of the industry of the catering and the channel horeca of the country. Chaired by Antoni Llorens, president and general director of Serunion, has Fernando Abbey, manager of Illpra Systems; Vicenç Bosch, general manager of BOO Foodservice & B2B of White Hen; Patricia Fernández, responsible of channel horeca of Aecoc; Ignasi Ferrer, general director of The Eat Out Group; Beatriz García, director of corporate communication of Makro Autservicio Wholesale; Miguel Nigorra, general director of Cremonini Iberian Rail; Isabel Peretó, country business manager of Nestlé; Varemundo Roadstead, president of Caterdata; Joaquim Ros, director of markets and promotion of Mercabarna; José Mª Blond, president of the Spanish Federation of Hospitality industry and catering; Massimo Sagesse, general director of Illycaffe Espresseso Iberian; Àngels Solans, general director of Unilever Food Solutions; Jordi Pujol, president of Adiscat (Association of Companies of distribution and Logistical of Beverages and Feeding of Catalonia), Francesc Sosa, manager of Sosa Ingredients, S.L., and Jordi Vila, director of Uve Solutions.

Related Companies or Entities

Alimentaria Barcelona - Alimentaria Exhibitions, S.A.

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