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It improves the perception of the sector of the fashion on the fly of the Spanish economy

Conclusions of the III Barometer of fashionable Companies in Spain

Editorial Interempresas13/09/2013
The fashionable Spanish companies go back to take the pulse in the third edition of the Barometer of fashionable Companies in Spain, a study sponsored by and elaborated by from the testimonies of a sample near of 300 companies of the sector.
Increasingly, a good part of the fashionable shopping displaces to the periods of discounts or to subject payments to discounts and promotions...
Increasingly, a good part of the fashionable shopping displaces to the periods of discounts or to subject payments to discounts and promotions.

The war of prices and promotions in which they find enzarzadas the fashionable Spanish companies, that practically have not gone up prices in the last years, centres good part of the worries of the empresariado of the sector, for which this situation has left to have a circumstantial consideration. In 2013, only 3% of the companies of the sector thinks that the battle of discounts and promotions will finish when it change the economic situation, in front of 11% of companies that subscribed this affirmation in the previous year. Besides, in front of a new regulation of discounts more liberalizadora, goes down the tax of companies that consider the constant presence of discounts and promotions like something negative: if in the second edition of the Barometer almost the half of the companies thought that this strategy will be negative for the sector on a long-term basis, in 2013 this low tax to 41%.

Increasingly, therefore, a good part of the fashionable shopping displaces to the periods of discounts or to subject payments to discounts and promotions. This transformation in the habits of purchase of the consumers and in the commercial politics of the companies does not do more than incorporating in the Spanish market of other countries, like United States, where these practices are fully implanted.

However, the war of perpetual discounts consolidates in the case of Spain in a market already of by himself deflacionista and in which the last rises of the VAT have punished even more the margins of the companies. 6% of the fashionable Spanish companies thinks that during the present exercise his prices will follow to the drop and 72% that will keep stable, and only 22% of the companies of the sector foresees to go up his labels this year. Instead, they are 33% the companies that thinks that, in the group of the sector, the prices will increase in 2013, more than the past year, when only 26% saw sure or possible a general inflation in the sector.

In general terms, the Barometer of fashionable companies of 2013 sample how the companies of the business of the fashion keep his fortress in spite of the current coyuntura economic. 49% of the companies affirms that, during the past exercise 2012, attained to increase his annual turnover, and another 22% signals that his exert remained stable. The forecasts for the present year also are optimistic: 16% wait a substantial improvement of his turnover and 42%, a moderate improvement.

In spite of the positive panorama that these magnitudes show for the group of the sector, grows the segment of companies that describes a negative tendency in his business. If only 9% of the companies signalled to have gone down his annual turnover in 2011, in 2012 this tax went up to 29%.

With this new situation, and in front of some perspectives of growth something more moderated for this year, also contains the creation of employment in the sector of the fashion. The Barometer, whose sample is formed by Spanish companies with marks that arrive directly to the final public, aims that 51% of the companies of the sector elevated his staff in 2012, in front of 55% of the previous year. Of face to 2013 also increases the number of fashionable companies that foresees cuts: that happen of 11% to 20% of the total.

Upward e-commerce

The Barometer, whose sample is formed by Spanish companies with marks that arrive directly to the final public...
The Barometer, whose sample is formed by Spanish companies with marks that arrive directly to the final public, aims that 51% of the companies of the sector elevated his staff in 2012, in front of 55% of the previous year.
In terms of employment the ecommerce is one of the main motors of growth in the fashionable companies, that in 53% of the cases foresees to incorporate to new professional in these departments during the present exercise.

The sales through the Network keep his dynamism in the sector of the fashion, that has in the on-line the channel of sales of greater projection. Eight of each ten Spanish companies fashionable already have in 2013 of on-line shop and 93% foresees an increase of his sales through the Network during the present year. Also it goes up, of 65% to 69%, the tax of companies that distributes through outlets and available clubs, and almost one of each two companies participates already in the mcommerce.

For the first time, the Barometer analyses the presence of the fashionable Spanish companies in social networks. For 41% of the companies, this presence is very active; medianamente active for 50% and totally reactive for 6%. Only 3% of the companies of the sector is not present in social networks.


The internationalisation goes back to evidenciarse like one of the big fortresses of the fashionable Spanish companies, that keep a high impulse in the external markets. The 2012, the weight of the exports on the turnover reached an average of 45% between the companies of the sector, a point more than in 2011, and the forecasts of face to 2013 are positive for 72% of the companies.

The international growth does not produce only with the expansion in the countries in that the companies already are presents, if no that seven of each ten companies plans the entrance during this year in new markets. In Europe, Germany is the most repeated country in the plans of international growth of the fashionable companies, ousting to United Kingdom like the market prioritario in the old continent. In the rest of continents, Mexico, United States, China and Russia repeat like the most attractor trucks markets for the Spanish fashion, between which loses impulse Brazil.

Economic situation and credit

The perception of the companies on the Spanish economy, and especially of the world-wide, improvement in 2013 with regard to the previous edition of the Barometer. Nevertheless, they appear claroscuros in terms of business financials. While 50% describes as easy or very easy the access to the banking financials, in front of 46% of 2012, 20% of the companies of the sector sees very difficult or impossible access to the money of the banks, in front of 11% previous. With everything, menguan the forecasts of investment of the companies. If 40% affirms that in 2012 increased his investment, of face to the present exercise only 37% plans that it increase. Likewise, it goes up the tax of companies that will invest less in 2013: they happen of 13% to 17%.
Fernando Maudo, general director of in Spain, has signalled during the presentation of the report that the results of the Barometer “contribute a complete and deep reading on the complex reality that lives the sector of the fashion in Spain, that fortunately keeps intact his capacity of superación and a hit international vision of his business”. For Maudo, the ecommerce and the strategy multicanal adopted by good part of the companies constitute another important element of hope: “the sector is taking advantage of the technological changes and the new habits of consumption to grow, generating new opportunities of employment, and to approach more to his customers”.

By his part, Pilar Riaño, director of, has stood out that "the third edition of the Barometer shows the unavoidable contagion of a part of the fashionable Spanish companies by the economic situation in which it already is the fifth year of the crisis”. “But at the same time we appreciate like the fashion goes back to stand out like one of the most dynamic sectors of our economy, with companies that compete with efficiency to international level, that do not leave to grow and that, in definite, deserve a very high recognition”.

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