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Of the 14 to 17 April 2013 in Feira International of Lisbon

Alimentary & Horexpo 2013 presents with a clear exporting ambition

Editorial Interempresas21/02/2013
Organised by AIP/FIL and Alimentary Exhibitions, Alimentary & Horexpo will be the main alimentary evento in Portugal and in the Iberian Peninsula during this year 2013, consolidating as the greater platform of businesses and professional contacts for the alimentary industry, the distribution and the hospitality industry.
If in the edition of 2011, the living room occupied the four pavilions of FIL, with a surface of 45.000 m2 and 850 companies participants, the purpose of the organisers for the 2013 is to arrive to the one thousand companies participants and increase the number of foreign buyers until 2.000, pertinent of a hundred of markets.

And is that the international vocation is a constant of the living room, that gathers companies of more than 30 countries and summons near of 30.000 professional visitors, including 1.200 foreign buyers.

Alimentary & Horexpo 2013 will keep the model that joins three living rooms differentiated that share inherent synergies to the same. This format translates in a wide offer expositiva for the hospitable market and of hotelería, with the presence of producers and distributors of foods and drunk, equipment and decoration for the catering and hospitality industry, technology and machinery for the alimentary industry and distribution:

- Alimentary Lisbon: International Living room of the Feeding and Drunk

- Horexpo: International Living room of the hospitality industry and the catering

- Tecnoalimentaria: International Living room of technologies, machinery and equipment for the industry and the distribution of foods

More internationalisation

Under the lemma ‘The suitable ingredients for the big companies', the edition of 2013 of Alimentary & Horexpo Lisbon will reinforce the international character of the evento, that already consolidated like the fourth generalista greater and more important of the alimentary sector in the ranking European and like platform of access to a world of opportunities for 250 million consumers of Portuguese speech.

To support to the companies in his businesses in the outside, the organisation of Alimentary & Horexpo Lisbon presents new initiatives like the first Forum of Internationalisation of the alimentary sector with the aim to concretise international strategies of promotion, creation of synergies between companies oriented to the export and definition of lines of strategic orientation for the next years.

The 'Espaço Club Exporting Portugal' devoted to promote the exports of the Portuguese companies will serve of meeting point by excellence of the international buyers, with the realisation of meetings B2B agendados previously by the organisation.

Fátima Vila Maior, director of the area of fairs of FIL and responsible of Alimentary & Horexpo, has confirmed that for 2013 will duplicate the destined budget to the program Hosted Buyers, what will mean an increase of the number of international buyers registered in 2011. According to Vila Maior, the organisation of Alimentary & Horexpo Lisbon wants to “increase of exponential way the number of foreign buyers, the number of meetings of businesses, the number of markets in which these buyers operate and the number of buyers of countries with emergent economies and of Portuguese speech”.

External impulse

In fact, Fipa, Portugal Food, Portugal Fresh, Viniportugal, Agrocluster, Inovcluster and Inovisa, between other associations and sectorial institutions, have joined to the Alimentary living room & Horexpo Lisbon 2013 to promote the exports and accelerate the internationalisation of the Portuguese alimentary industry.

Alimentary & Horexpo Lisbon is the instrument to the service of the national companies that wish to initiate or increase his presence in foreign markets to the research of new buyers. Internacionalizarse, increase the exports and find new markets, are the main lines of performance of the next edition of the living room. For the first time, the main operators of the alimentary market join in pro of a national strategic plan: the export.

For Jorge Henriques, president of Fipa, Federaçao of Indústrias Portuguese Agro-Fed, considers that “Alimentary & Horexpo Lisbon is an active instrument in the promotion and diffusion of the national products and serves like platform to connect to Europe with Latin America and Africa. It is an excellent tool to explore new markets in the alimentary industry, among others, Brazil and India, and like this attract to new customers”.

Portugal Regions

One of the most significant novelties of the living room will be the zone Regions Space Portugal that does his debut in Alimentary & Horexpo 2013 like a space designed to exhibit the best food production Portuguese. The zone pretends also provide to the small companies and the microempresas an easier access to the market and greater international visibility. The purpose of the organisers with this area is to add value to the autochthonous products and approach them to the markets of consumption, so much national like international, showing the best alimentary quality Portuguese.

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