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Of the 24 to 26 October in the pavilions 1, 3 and 5 of the enclosure ferial Ifema of Madrid

Fruit Attraction, sum and grows

Editorial Interempresas20/09/2012
The fact that Ifema and Fepex, organisers of Fruit Attraction, have worked acutely to consolidate the fair is not a novelty, and the figures like this testify it: 580 display units, and three pavilions with 16.500 m2 of surface expositiva, 15% more than in 2011. But it has not remained here the push of the International Fair of Fruit and Vegetables, that in his fourth edition presents, once again, multiple appeals so much for visitors as for the own display units.
Fruit Attraction Has adapted his dates of strategic way to make possible, in the same place and in alone three days, that the professionals close the campaign 2013. Thus, of the 24 to 26 October expects that by the three pavilions of the enclosure ferial Ifema of Madrid happen more than 20.000 visitors. Between other qualities, the fair gathers to the main managers of purchase, of the distribution and import, as well as the representatives of big surfaces of almost a hundred of countries. Besides, it does it in some strategic dates to favour the commercial exchanges: during the last week of October, when they have finalised the campaigns of fruit and still have not begun the ones of vegetables, what makes possible that the professionals can close all the next campaign.

In his last edition, the fair already received to 18.473 visitors, of which more than 18% were foreign of 91 nationalities, with Portuguese, French, Dutch and Italians, between the most numerous. Likewise, it treats of some professionals with high power of decision in the company –18% are proprietary or managers–, or with a clearly focused profile to the commercialisation, the import or the export, representing more than 50% of the total. An important part of these professionals will arrive to the fair thanks to the Program of International Buyers, that Fruit Attraction organises beside the Camera of Trade of Madrid, and that invites to the fair to some of the managers of shopping more interesting of all the world. With the same end to favour the commercial exchanges, has promoted , with the collaboration of the ICEX, a reverse mission so that representatives of the channel of distribution in east Countries, Saudi Arabia and Asia undertake businesses in the fair.
As it comes being usual also, and by third consecutive year, the volunteers of the headquarters in Madrid of the Bank of Foods will occupy to collect the products hortofrutícolas that wish donar the companies expositoras of the fair. In this way, they will install several points of collected and will develop a protocol for the delivery of these foods. In the edition 2011 of Fruit Attraction, the Bank of Foods received 10.000 kilos of fruit and vegetables that distributed between charitable entities of Madrid.

Runway Innova, the space to show all the novelties in the market

The living room pretends to underline once again his capacity like stage where know the novelties of the sector and promote them between professionals and media. For this reason, the contest has created the Runway Innova, a space, in the pavilion 1, where show for the first time the last novelties of products, varieties or marks that present the producing companies that expose in Fruit Attraction. Of this form, during the three days of fair, the visitors can know, gathered in a same space, the last proposals of the sector hortofrutícola and the signatures that present it. The Runway Innnova presents under an invernadero, developed by the companies Gogarsa and New Growing System (NGS), showing the commitment of the fair with the innovation and approaching the technological proposals of last generation to the production and to the professional visitors. In this sense, in addition to housing the novelties stood out, the invernadero is stage of a demonstration of Technological Innovation in Horticulture in which NGS will show the devices that can help to the producers to optimise the crop reducing the cost of water and fertilisers, with practical examples with milling cutters and lettuces that grow thanks to the crop hidropónico in recirculation.
Here the relation of 17 proposals hortofrutícolas, that, for the first time, present in Fruit Attraction:

- 'Of the Melon, meat, bark and seeds', under this slogan the Agricultural company JJF wants to transmit to the chains of distribution and to the last user, that of the melon can take advantage of all, with two new recipes that take advantage of the bark to elaborate a very good jam, and the seeds to manufacture a refrescante orgeat.

- Marks it kiwi of ASP Fruit presents his product for the first time in this fair, encasillado in the market Premium so much by his quality like his flavour.

- Flat peach of white meat of OKI, a new mark that groups to the best varieties of flat peach with some conditions organolépticas defined by a strict fold of conditions.

- UNI_SLM Apricot Vision, of Unitec, a new system for the no destructive detection of the level of blandura of the apricots, that allows an excellent selection of the product according to his degree of maturity, by means of some optical sensors of infrared that they can distinguish so much the leather like the pulpa of the fruit.

- 'Watermelon Ice Box' of the Association Group Fashion (AGF). It treats of an exclusive system of packaging for a watermelon rayada with microsomillas and meat crujiente, consistent in a mesh of individual transport, that offers a greater comfort for the consumer.

-, of Agroponiente Natural Produces, is the new available platform on-line employee for the commercialisation of the tomato of the zone of The Cañada-Níjar.

- Berry Touch, the new mark of berries of Euroberry, that stands out by his appeal and diferenciador design

- Biomac, of Exploitations Thin Brothers, are biofortificantes and fitofortificantes pertinent of ecological derivatives of the grape, to cure and warn the illnesses produced by funguses, in root, trunk and mass foliar in frutales, viñedos, olivos and vegetables.

- 'Seasonal gourmet', of Florette Iberian, is an innovative concept regarding salads, and only in the market of the IV range, inspired by the distinct stations of the year. The product is fruit of the combination of 'Original Gourmet' (curling escarole, radiccio and canónigo) with the selection of the shoot more sabroso of the season, rúcula in spring and summer, and red sap in autumn and winter.

- Multipack Fresh Moment Apple, of Florette Iberian, an only product that consists in a pack of three individual rations of fruit 100% cool. The secret finds in offering apple washed and cut in gajos, without preservatives neither colorantes, and in a presentation and format that allow his consumption in any place or moment of the day.

The Freshmoving of Uvasdoce is one of the 17 novelties that show on the runway Innova
The Freshmoving of Uvasdoce is one of the 17 novelties that show on the runway Innova.
The Runway Innova is a space where show the last novelties of products, varieties or marks that present the producing companies that expose in Fruit Attraction
- Cuidatte Antiox And Cuidatte Inmuno, also of Florette Iberian. The first contains shoots of lollo red, lollo green and canónigos, rich in Vitamin To and source of ironinging. By his part, Antiox contains shoot of lollo red, canónigo, rúcula and berro, four ingredients source of Vitamin C.

- New mark of pomegranates and clementinas of Gruventa, as well as his cuidar box of presentation.

- Electronic standard for callipers of fruit of Ingivisión. It treats of a system of hardware and software that allows the control of the callipers of fruit, in weight diameter and colour.

- Apples Premium of the Finca of The Rasa (Soria), of Nufri in his varieties Golden, Fuji, Royal, Gala and Network Delicious. They stand out by his optimum flavour, colour, appearance, crocanticidad and durability.

- The group of products of Stadium Innovation. A wide variety of products of high quality between which includes the first sofrito cool and the first grated cheese cheese tomato fresco of the market, in addition to the only grasses and cool spices that conserve in the fridge until 3 months.

- The grapes 'Snack Freshmoving', of Uvasdoce, in his two white –varieties and red– presented in botecitos termosellados, without seeds, desgranadas, washed, and lists to consume in any place.

- The system of quality of the cultured tomatoes in The Cañada, of Vegacañada.

Congresses and technical days complete the parallel activities

Once again in Fruit Attraction do not are missing the congresses and symposiums that have to accompany necessarily a professional meeting. The days 24 and 25 will celebrate the I International Symposium of Plum and Cerezo, organised by the Group of Poscosecha of the University Miguel Hernández, where will tackle all the appearances related with the genetics, crop, quality, technologies of conservation and profits for the health, commercialisation and marketing of plums and cherries. In this same sense, but related with the grape of table, Apoexpa organises by second consecutive year the Congress Grape Attraction, in which the Thursday 25 October goes back to gather in Madrid to professionals of the sector of the grape of table without seed, that will expose his vision on the current situation and the perspectives of future.

Taking advantage of also the frame of the living room, the IRTA organises the day 25, in the morning, 'Fruit Innovation', in which presetarán novelties in the field of the investigation of new varieties. Already in the afternoon, the company Agrocolor organises the day 'New tendencies in matters of quality and alimentary hygiene', in which they will present the last steps given in this sense in the horticultural sector.

Fruit Fusion 2012, the gastronomic evento for the channel Horeca

Fruit Fusion will go back to turn into the annual meeting of reference for the promotion of the consumption of fruit, vegetables and vegetables, headed to professional of the hospitality industry, catering and catering. The organisation Fruit Fusion advances the program of activities, elaborated beside the display units of the fair, with his products like protagonists and in collaboration with the cooks that better know them:

- Demonstrations of kitchen in direct and degustaciones with the products of: +Brócoli, Agroponiente/Vegacañada, Alhóndiga The Union, Asomafruit, Onions Sources of Ebro, Euroberry, Extremadura, Fontestad, Hnos. Fernándes López, Huercasa, Marlene, Onubafruit, Banana of Canaries, Region of Murcia, Sakata and Terrallana Natural.

- II Edition Reward to the Best Vegetal Dish: Madrid Fusion has realised already the selection of the ten finalists.

- I Meeting of restauradores, producers and distributors: The three links of the chain will give appointment in the stage of Fruit Fusion to expose his strategies and needs.

- II Route Week of the Vegetable: This year Fruit Attraction goes back to go out to the street, the establishments of Madrid and his surroundings will offer his gastronomic offer Fruit Fusion. Already they are preparing his cover, dishes and menus.


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Fruit Attraction - IFEMA