C.R.D.E. Espárrago Huétor-Tájar - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
C.R.D.E. Espárrago Huétor-Tájar
Ctra. de La Estación, s/n
18360 Huétor Tájar (Granada) Spain
☎:  +34‑958333443  
🖷:  +34‑958332522
w:  www.esparragodehuetortajar.com
Asparagus Huétor-Tájar

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

C.R.D.E. Espárrago Huétor-Tájar

The beginning of the cultivation of asparagus in Huétor-Tájar took place around the 1930s in small plots exploited in family regime, and always for the purpose of consumption or as much for local marketing. Around the age of 40 and 50 are some testimonies of the locals, a fledgling marketing directed toward some wholesale markets of Granada with Sevilla. This marketing was carried out by farmers themselves. By then, the presentation of the Espárrago de Huétor-Tájar commercially, was very similar to the of wild asparagus wild, well known in our Andalusian land from yesteryear.

Already in the 1960s, groups of farmers gathered for the marketing of the precious studs, which enabled them to confront more distant as Madrid or Barcelona squares. On these routes, transport of asparagus from Huétor-Tájar was carried out in small vans, and packaging the product in sarrias of Esparto grass wet, somewhat rudimentary but practical way, allowing avoid loss of water from the product, and therefore flaccidity of asparagus, until its reception in the target market.
The espárrago de Huétor-Tájar lies protected by a specific denomination of quality since October 22, 1996, when the Ministry of agriculture and fisheries of the Junta de Andalucía approves the regulation of the denomination and its regulatory board.they acted as an example that we had to continue in the area, consolidating the cooperative movement with 4 companies more in the mid-1980.
The espárrago de Huétor-Tájar lies protected by a specific denomination of quality since October 22, 1996, date in which the Ministry of agriculture and fisheries of the Andalusian approves the regulation of that name and his Council Regulador.la Ministry of agriculture and fisheries of the Junta de Andalucía approves the regulation of the denomination and its regulatory board. The Ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food of Spain, ratified this specific denomination on April 18, 1997. The past 15 March 2000, the European Commission, by Regulation (EC) no 547/2000, of 14 March, recorded the Espárrago de Huétor-Tájar as protected geographical indication in the field throughout the European Union