Agrícola Navarro de Haro, S.L. - Courgette

Agrícola Navarra de Haro

Zucchini: they sell different varieties

Picture of Zucchini
Annual, compact growth, with pentagonal section and short internodes stem plant. Large, with long petioles hollow leaves, lobed and serrated-edged, rough touch. Sometimes they show some small whitish spots on the beam. Flowers Monoecious, large, yellow; in the male the peduncle is long and thin, while in the female is thick and short. The fruit is a Pepo, elongated, cylindrical and slightly mazudo, without central cavity, of more or less white, yellow or light green colors. It is consumed fresh, in immature State.

Afrodite F1: Green Zucchini variety, adapted crops both in greenhouses and outdoors. Plant of medium vigour, semi-erecta, very early. Fruit without edges, cylindrical and good commercial size. Medium bright green color. Intermediate resistance to the mosaic virus in watermelon (WMV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus.

Naxos: plant vigor medium suitable for outdoor cultivation. Long fruits of green with tolerance to the mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus in cucumber, powdery mildew and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus from.

Millennium F1: plant vigorous and compact, with erect leaves. Cylindrical fruits of very dark and bright green color. Consistent and white meat. Precocious and productive variety suited to the cultivation of greenhouse and outdoors.

Senator F1: plant vigorous, simple stems, relatively open very productive over a long period of harvest. Long, cylindrical and uniform, the result of 13 to 18 cm in length. Medium green color. Precocity, with good temperatures of 41 days. Both adapted to growing outdoors in a greenhouse. It stands out for its good resistance to cold.