Business International Garlic, S.L. - Garlic

Big Garlic

White garlics: the majority of the bulbs have sizes between 50 mm and 70 mm

Picture of White garlics
Variety that has a cut soft, the external leaves of the bulb are generally of white colour / ivory, the colour of the leather that covers the teeth is of beige colour and the teeth have an a bit asymmetric form. His harvest is between the one of the varieties Spring and the one of the purple. The majority of the bulbs have sizes between 50 mm and 70 mm.

His head has a half size-big and an irregular form, provista of 10-12 teeth recubiertos of leathers of white colour. It is a type of garlic very popular in all the countries, thanks to his carry rústico, resistant and fleshy and to his big capacity of conservation. It characterises by a moderate aroma and an intense flavour that does it the ideal condiment for numerous recipes, especially, to cook white meats.

In the moment of the harvest, the heads present veto of purple colour, in his external layer, and go disappearing to measure that advances the process of dried. His crop and processes are of half complexity. And has a half performance by hectare. It treats of a very popular garlic that goes losing market in front of the variety Spring, given his greater cost of production. However, this variety follows having unconditional consumers all over the world.

Specific characteristics:

- big half – Size.

- Head of irregular form.

- Teeth white colour/ivory. Form, slightly curvados.

- Number of teeth per person 10 – 12 teeth.

- Remarkable aroma. Content in alicina remarkable.

- Flavour a bit spicy but softer that the purple.

- Presentation pack: sacks, boxes and trays (open boxes)

- Granel and meshes.