Pera Conferencia del Bierzo, M.G. - Pear

Pera Conferencia del Bierzo

Pear Conference of the Bierzo: with Mark of Guarantee

Picture of Pear Conference of the Bierzo
General characteristics: for the Mark of Guarantee only admit the pears of the commercial categories Extra and I, remaining excluded the category II.

Whole piece:

- Size: it calibrate big

- Form: piriform lengthened symmetrical

- Colour: intense clear green with nuances pardos and yellowish

- Russeting: Intense and natural

- Smell: half Intensity

Piece of pear in pieces:

- Hardness to the cut: high

- Jugosidad to the cut: elevated

- hard Leather

- soft Meat and tersa

- Colour with half intensity

- Colour of the yellowish white meat

Characteristic organolépticas:

- Smell: half intensity

- Jugosidad: high in

mouth - Granulosidad: drop

- Dulzor: elevated

- Acidity: very low

- Astringencia: very low