Hongos de Zamora, S.L. - Other mushrooms and fungi

Nameko Frozen products: the equivalent frozen products to the mushroom of poplar

Picture of Nameko Frozen products
The nameko is a Japanese mushroom that is beginning to commercialise in Europe. It is small and sabrosa and allows miscellaneous forms of manufacturing.

It appoint Latin: Pholiota nameko.

Hat: Of 1 to 2 cm, hemispherical. Cuticle anaranjada, clearer to the edge. Plates: Tightened also orange clear. Foot: Firm, fibrous, attenuated in his inferior part, orange. Meat: Compact, hard, whitish. Smell and pleasant flavour.

It can accompany pizzas, risottos and guisos or like main ingredient in soups and creams. Everything results delicious.