Hermanos Salas, S.A. - Kiwi

Kiwis: originals of the slopes of the Himalaya

Picture of Kiwis
Brothers Rooms and children has of an own production of 9 million kilos of citrus fruit (orange and clementinas) distributed in around 1.300 cultured hectares. Besides it distributes kiwis to the main markets.

The kiwi or actinidia (Actinidia delicious) is a plant trepadora originaria of the slopes of the Himalaya, in the south of China, entered in New Zealand in 1904 and since cultivated in a lot of temperate regions by his edible fruit.

The name "kiwi" was him awarded in New Zealand, possibly by a remote similarity of appearance between the fruit covered of vellosidades and the bird kiwi. The fruit is a berry oval, with thin leather of green colour parduzco and surface vellosa. The pulpa is of green colour and with diminutas willing black seeds around a whitish heart. It is used to to be an alérgeno frequent, especially his leather.

It is a species of separate sexes, in that the pollination requires the participation of insects; in the plantations usually distribute beehives of bees to fulfil this task.