Agrupación de Consejos Legumbres de Calidad: Lenteja de La Armuña, Garbanzo de Fuentesaúco y Judías de El Barco de Ávila - Beans

Jewish with I.G.P. The Ship of Ávila: it protects seven distinct varieties

Picture of Jewish with I.G.P. The Ship of Ávila
The Jewish of The Ship of Ávila are the first legumes in Spain that achieved a Denomination of Specific Origin, there by 1989. In 1996, the European Union extended this protection with a Geographic indication Protected.

The quality of the Jewish of The Ship of Ávila is tied to his attributes organolépticos, finura of the leather, high mantecosidad, absence of harinosidad, integrity of the grain and the exclusive flavour that provide the ace autochthonous varieties.

The Geographic Indication Protected protects seven distinct varieties of Jewish; White kidney, Blanca round, ironinginged, Judión of Ship, Arrocina, Purple Long and Purple round. All they are of high quality, very versatile in the kitchen, combining with all type of ingredients.