Agrupación de Consejos Legumbres de Calidad: Lenteja de La Armuña, Garbanzo de Fuentesaúco y Judías de El Barco de Ávila - Lentils

I.G.P Lentil of the Armuña: of clear green colour, have a big flavour

Picture of I.G.P Lentil of the Armuña
The lentil of The Armuña produces in the province of Salamanca, in the fertile earths of the region that carries his name, the Armuña.

The lentil has been recognised with Geographic Indication Protected by the European Union, endorsing his quality and prestige, and protecting it of undue uses and imitations.

The parameters in that sustenta the quality of the Lentil of the Armuña define in his sensory profile. Once baked, the grains remain whole, the leather is fine, the texture of the albumen mantecosa and consistent and his pleasant and intense flavour.

To the natural, his size is half-big, between 5 and 7 mm of diameter, clear green colour with some seeds pigmentadas of dark green and form of lens aplanada.

The content in calcium surpasses 50% to the other varieties.

In the culinary field stands out his fine texture and uniform in the softness of his leather, that seems almost non-existent.

They possess an upper biological value because of the essential amino acids. The analyses effected have showed that the quality of the protein of this variety is the best of all the commercial types studied, by what can consider like the most optimum for the consumption.

In all the containers appears in logo and the quotation “Geographic Indication Protected Lentil of Armuña”, in addition to the contraetiqueta numbered of the Regulatory Council that it is the one who delivers this to each envasador, when the lentils have surpassed the controls demanded.