C.R.D.O. Nísperos de Callosa d'En Sarrià - Other canned fruits

Conservas artesanas: syrup

Picture of Conservas artesanas
Whole, peeled and pitted manually the medlar that destined for canning, are the loquats from category I (integers), the best variety "Algar". These loquats are collected daily by farmers, are selected and calibrated at producing stores where subsequently pass the relevant quality controls.

The main feature that differentiates this product from the rest, is completely handmade process. The loquat Peel and are boned manually, since otherwise the pulp it would break.

They used two gauges for canned: G: for Tin 425 g, 825 g. Tin and glass of 370 g. GG: for Tin 2,650 g and 700 g glass jar.