Oleofer, S.L. - Tierras de Tavara - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Oleofer, S.L. - Tierras de Tavara
Ctra. Puente de Génave La Puerta, km 0,300
23360 La Puerta de Segura (Jaén) Spain
☎:  +34‑953487173  
w:  www.tierrasdetavara.com
Processing and marketing of olive oil

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Oleofer, S.L. - Tierras de Tavara

Oleofer s.l.pone at your disposal its selection of "Land of Tavara Viergen Extra" and "Land of Tavara Virgin" oils. A few of the Sierra de Segura olive oils.
In addition, they perform directly the marketing and distribution of the product, sends it directly to the domicile of the customer quickly and easily.

Tavara's lands, s.l. is the company of the family Fernandez Hidalgo (Oleofer s.l.). After two generations developing oil extra virgin and a continuing concern in the improvement of qualities, lands of Tavara represents the closing of the circle in a process that is controlled throughout the production, from the planting of olive trees on the farm "The canyons" until bottling and commercialization and export.

A project that continues in 2012 with the launch of the range of gourmet products and eco-friendly. All of them from the Sierra de Segura, all made in the lands of Tavara.