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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Aprobada la norma internacional de Ecodiseño ISO 14006

Approved the international norm of Ecodiseño ISO 14006


21 July 2011

Almost three years after beginning work within the International Standardization Organization (ISO) on the proposal of Spain, the past 15 July has published international standard for the incorporation of eco-design ecodesign ISO 14006 systems management Ambiental-Directrices. The document, which includes an international consensus had as document starting the Spanish standard environmental management of the design and development process. Ecodesign (UNE 150301), elaborated within the AENOR, as legally responsible for the development of technical standards in Spain.
The objectives of the standard ISO 14006 Chase, as well as the UNE 150301, reduce the environmental impact of products or services, based them in such a way that they minimize at every stage of life, from its development until the end of its use.
AENOR has prepared a translation of the text to the Spanish that will be sent to other Spanish-speaking countries to arrive at a consensus document. It will be sent to ISO for approval. Spain is a landmark in the international standardization and increasingly take Spanish standards to develop international texts. As the future European standards of innovation management, taken as a basis to various rules of r & d (family UNE 166000).
The application of ecodesign standard brings various advantages; the main one is that it is an efficient tool for minimizing the environmental impact of its products and services. In addition, the certificate allows to comply with the new legislative requirements: European directive and green public procurement of eco-design for energy-related products.
So far, AENOR has issued about 70 certificates to organizations that support the implementation of ecodesign Spanish rule. These organizations belong to all kinds of sectors: from studying architecture to manufacture of furniture, through appliances, engineering, elevators, automotive, construction, research, or lighting projects.
Given that the requirements are virtually the same in both standards, the transition to the certificate according to the international standard is very simple for organizations.

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Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación