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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El humanoide baila el wiki waka y tuitea

The humanoide dances the wiki waka and tuitea

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas25/02/2011

25 February 2011

There are people whose very presence fills the space. His face, his gesture, his physique are his charisma. Others have not been equipped in this way by nature, but they take the charism in the word, the voice and the way to express themselves. They fill the space when they open their mouths. There are also who, lacking all of the above, have developed a so nice, next, friendly and fun personality which is that the way they fill the space. And finally they are those who always have had difficulties to fill spaces and have never featured in the group. We ignore if all this has been taken into account by the creators of R2, Robonaut 2, the non-human crew member on Board of the last mission of Discovery launched on February 24. How is sharing space with a humanoid? Is the graciosillo, the quiet, the cryptic, the vague, the enthusiast, the prudent? Will he rejoice when the mission is fulfilled with success? Do you dance?

You can use the same tools that humans with their hands, their articulations imitate our movements and is capable of lifting a weight of 9 kg with their arms. But all this, or similar, can do you other machines. Why then are you called humanoid? You have to have something more and that something has to be emotionally. He will be playing space and boot with waka waka, in what will be the first demonstration of humanoid humanoidaismo. It will be dancing the waka waka and launch often, even during a TUIT with colleagues and fans or as are called those who tuitean with one on Twitter. No kidding, R2 began his adventure in 140 characters with a "Hello World!" My name is Robonaut 2... I'm going to space! "." Your account already has more than 20,000 followers. This Yes is concerned, that there are 20,000 human followers of a humanoid, which, according to Wikipedia, is any being whose body structure resembles a human. Wikis replace dictionaries, in the same way as the humanoid flight partners. The nimble fingers of R2 in the tuiteo you will be used to find things in Wikipedia and other wikis. Insurance that will know how to dance the waka while looking on the wiki, and to repair a breakdown and even makes baskets of Wicker with their feet. But the humanoid will never acquire the human condition. In his mechanical euphoria of the wiki waka will not be able to notice the suffering of so many humans in Africa, in North Africa. Clear that is not very clear that humans understand it. Why is there so much hunger in Africa or why they are simultaneous rebellions against the dictatorships in the countries of the North? I am afraid that R2 will not have a much more compelling than our explanation: because this is Africa.

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