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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Desarrollan una tecnología para aprovechar el 70% de los residuos vegetales en el País Vasco

They develop a technology to take advantage of 70% of the vegetal waste in the Basque Country


26 March 2014


Miles of daily tonnes of alimentary by-products finish like waste to the not being taken advantage of. The sector agroalimentario of the Basque Country estimates that annually it generates 4 million tonnes of organic matter, by-products and waste, of which 133.000 tonnes are vegetal rests cárnicos and dairy with a high content in nutrients and composed that they could reutilizarse. Experts affirm that at least 70% of these rests could valorizarse and that they could turn into piensos animal or biofuels. The importance of this valorisation is, however, if these new products would have demand in the market. The question resume in the following question: how we can know if it compensates or no the valorisation of a by-product in the place and in the conditions that produces ?

This is what pretends to answer the European project Giswaste, cofinanciado by the program Life of the EU, led by the Basque consortium, coordinated by the centre Azti-Tecnalia and with the participation of Geograma, LKS and Ihobe. The main aim of the project is establish a methodology and a tool that determines the feasibility and profitability of the options of valorisation in each case to be able to prioritise like this the alternatives. The geoinformación of GIS allows to build intelligent maps in which they include all the geographic factors, technicians, economic and environingingmental that will condition the feasibility of the options of valorisation. The Basque consortium has declared that the tool will be a great help for the taking of decisions by part of the agents that take part in the field of the valorisation of resources, and contemplate the set up of a plant of biogás and one plant of piensos that validate the new tool. The project Giswaste has a budget of 1,4 million euros and will conclude in 2017.

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