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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Expertos mundiales en Surimi se reúnen en Madrid de la mano de Azti-Tecnalia

World-wide experts in Surimi gather in Madrid of the hand of Azti-Tecnalia


14 November 2013

A hundred of technicians of the alimentary industry from more than a ten of countries of all the world will give appointment in the event Surimi School Europe. The course, that will last until 18 November, includes three thematic axles main: current situation of the market of the surimi and derivative, processed and packaging of derivative products of the surimi. Equally, they will tackle other appearances of character more technical, like composition, microbiology and functional properties, among others. In addition to the program of the conference, will carry out practical sessions, demonstrations and tastings of products elaborated to split this prime matter.

In the Area of New Foods of the Unit of Alimentary Investigation of Azti-Tecnalia come developing, from the starts of the apparition of the products of surimi in Europe, works of investigation, development and transfer in this field for the industrial state. The projects realizar are directed so much to the definition of formulations and design of new concepts of products elaborated with surimi, as to the transfer and implementation of technologies in the industrial state that allow to design foods restructured in shape of analogous, fillings, and new forms and presentations nutricionalmente balanced.

One of the lines of current work is the investigation on the utilisation of new species pesqueras and co-resultant products of the processed of the fish like raw materials for the manufacturing of surimi and new products transformed. The technological centre has developed molecular methods for the authentication of the surimi, what allows to control possible frauds in this product. By his recognised work in the field of the surimi and of the derivative products, Azti-Tecnalia participates in the council and technical group of the Association for the Development of the Industry of the Surimi, that engloba to the manufacturers and suppliers of surimi in Europe.

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