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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La Bacaladera consigue reducir el consumo con sus planes de producción ecoeficiente

The cod manages to reduce energy consumption with plans to eco-efficient production


on July 19, 2013

La Bacaladera, fishery products processing and marketing company, was able to reduce a 35 percent its electricity rate and savings of 400 cubic meters of water annually thanks to the cleaner production Plan developed by Azti-Tecnalia. It also managed to find market for 500 tonnes of salt used in the processes of salted products, an amount that, until now, was treated as waste. These improvements underscore the outstanding career of the expert Research Technology Center marine and food as the creator of the production optimization programs focused on the food industry.

The Plan of clean production focuses primarily on three areas of action: processes, installations and products. The first of them seeks mainly to optimize the consumption of electricity and water. To reduce the rate of electricity, AZTI-Tecnalia technicians adapt the rhythms of company's production the different time lengths of the price in electric power. In this way, is reduced by 35 percent the amount earmarked for this item. In addition, renewed lights replacing them with new and low consumption. This change represents a saving of 80% in lighting electricity consumption.

The reduction of water consumption was one of the central aspects of the plan. This resource is primarily used in processes of desalted fish and the cleanliness of the facilities. AZTI-Tecnalia technicians elaborated new desalted processes that reduce the amount of water used and put the excess water to cleaning tasks. In this way Gets a saving of 400 cubic meters per year. Within the optimization of products, gets find market for much of the excess salt of the tasks of the saltiness of the fish. the undertaking processing estimated that it will sell every year between 300 and 500 tons of this product. This sale is an important benefit environmentally and economically, since it avoids that those amounts of salt are treated as waste and, at the same time, income from their sale are accomplished.

The cod is processed every year around 6,000 tons of fish. The improvement of the procedures for transforming it into consumer products is expected that it will save valued at 60,000 euros a year to the company.

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