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"It exists an increasing sensitivity of the ‘alimentary hygiene', not giving only importance to how much manufactures , but also to how manufactures ”

Interview to Josu Bordagarai, manager and technical director of Solids System-Technik

David Pozo14/12/2012
The multinational Solids System-Technik, specialised in the development and manufacture of devices and installations for the technician of the transport, dosage and heavy, as well as in the project and realisation of complete and automatic systems for the solid products to granel, carries more than 40 years offering solutions to the distinct sectors, between them the alimentary. From Interempresas tackle with his manager and technical director, Josu Bordagarai, the challenges that has the company for 2013 and cómovalora his recent participation in the World-wide Congress EHEDG on Hygienic Design of Valencia, where solids system-tecnik, engaged always with the alimentary hygiene, went one of the protagonists.
Josu Bordagarai, manager and technical director of Solids System-Technik
Josu Bordagarai, manager and technical director of Solids System-Technik.

We have seen them recently in the World-wide Congress EHEDG on Hygienic Design celebrated in Valencia. You, like participants and display units, which conclusions have been able to take out of the reports presented and the resultant debates of the same?

The reports on hygienic design are always interesting, but more still in this moment in which it has woken up some awareness regarding the hygiene. In our concrete case, already carry several years working in the development of hygienic design, especially through our German division. To national level, can say that it is a subject of recent sensitisation, which has woken up in addition to the doubts and reasonable interests in this still alive phase and developing constant in the definition of the criteria, the need to adapt the current productive processes to this new approach.

At any rate and from my punto, the more enriquecedor have been the forums of discussion formed of way espontanea or the meetings programmed with manufacturers of equipment, engineers and responsible of productive plants, in which they have been able to share needs, treat interests and collect knowledges of extraneous experiences.

With regard to our stand, where exposed miscellaneous of the components of hygienic design of development typical of which have (alveolar, sinfín, gate, …), are very satisfied so much of the expectancy and curiosity that generated said components, as by the opportunity that offered us to approach these new developments to the final user.

In addition to this congress, have participated in other international meetings directed to the chemical sector, alimentary or specific to the handle of solids. It is this multisectorial characteristic the key of his growth?

Already from his origins, H.J. Linder, founder and current president of the four companies of the Hispanic group-German, marked clearly this multisectorial characteristic. Said peculiarity and the constant bet by the innovation of our divisions, so much of engineering as of manufacture of components, has allowed us adapt solutions, would say equivalent, to distinct sectors.

This feedback of knowledge purchased by said multisectorial quality, enriches us reinforcing more still our knowledge specialist, giving like new result solutions and sectorial developments that allow us open the fan of possibilities established.

Solids System-Technik Was present in the past edition of the World-wide Congress EHEDG on Hygienic Design celebrated in Valencia...
Solids System-Technik Was present in the past edition of the World-wide Congress EHEDG on Hygienic Design celebrated in Valencia.

Precisely the alimentary industry, comparatively with other sectors, is of the few that are saving of burns ‘it' of the crisis. Think that it has to rather to the prime matter with which work, or that the structure of his companies or his form to organise favours his projection to other markets?

Even heading to us distinct sectors, historically, in these more than 40 years of activity, the specific weight of the sector of the feeding has been always predominant for us. In this sense, is truth, that since it began this crisis, the quota porcentual of installations realised in the alimentary sector has grown of form reseñable in comparison to the rest of sectors.

In periods of crisis contracts the consumption in everything, but always less in the purchase of foods, especially the childish for our children and curiously for pets. Yes it has observed at any rate and as it is logical, that the market basket has abaratado substantially, consuming a lot of more white mark that previously. This has carried to that they are the manufacturers of said white marks those that have increased considerably his quota of market, being those that are investing mainly, in addition to the usual big corporations that have strategies more on a long-term basis.

In this sense, which is the feedback that receive by part of his customers related with this sector?

Although comparatively with other sectors the condition of the crisis is being minor, also in this sector the available margins have reduced . This is a consequence, between others, of the potenciación of the white marks in the big surfaces, which guarantees to the big producing company volume of manufacture, but with available margins more reduced. This carries to the need to optimise even more the processes of manufacture, so as to win in productivity and, in consequence, in competitiveness. We accompany to said companies automating the previously manual processes, at the same time that adapt his existent installations to the current productive needs.

Himself Has observed in any case, and of way very positive, the increasing sensitivity of the importance of the ‘alimentary hygiene', not giving only importance to how much manufactures , but also to how manufactures . More specifically, we observe the introduction in his protocols and processes of measures of prevention and control to guarantee the alimentary hygiene, inside all the chain of production, processing and distribution.

The next month of February takes place Exposólidos, an appointment to which never lacking solids system-technik. Which novelties will present?

Both divisions of solids solutions group will share stand; the one of installations key in hand, solids system-technik, as the one of components, solids components Migsa. To the not being Exposólidos headed to a sector in concrete but to the general activity of handle of solids to granel, in the division of components will present the four lines of design: Basic, Clean, Hygienic & Heavy. Each one of them adapted to a determinate sector and application. In the division of installations key in hand, will do special upsetting in the four differential competitions: silos instrumented, pneumatics transport, dosage and heavy, and automation.

As of habit, also will have an installation under way, where will be able to observe the differential competitions mentioned in the practice, pneumatics transport so much by empty as by pressesure, systems of downloads of bigbag, dosage, automation of the process and a long etcetera.

Review finally that will organise in the same fair a new edition of the ‘Fórum solids solutions group', with the thematic ‘hygienic Design in installations of solid', where will offer several talks, among others, by our CEO and active member of the group of work of handle of solids in the EHEDG, H.J. Linder. In said fórum also pretends open a space of discussion, where like aim will have the share experiences, needs and interests between all the agents, from the manufacturer of the equipment, going through the engineers until the final user, which understand will be enriquecedor for all.

Stand Of Solids System-Technik in the past Anuga FoodTec 2012
Stand Of Solids System-Technik in the past Anuga FoodTec 2012.

Which are the challenges of Solids System-Technik for 2013?

In addition to following reinforcing our presence in the national market that dates of more than 40 years, and without despistarnos of her, explore new formulas to increase our quota of current international market. During these years have advanced considerably in this task, executing already a considerable number of installations so much in Europe and Asia, and sobretodo in Sudamérica, so much through national collaborators as directly. In the actuality already are giving steps to level of group so that we are more proactivos and near also geographically in the objective markets, with some processes of implantation under way.

In relation to the product that offer, think that the way to the success and keep on being competitive in this global market, follows going through bet by the quality and be in the avant-garde in the design, so much in the components as in the processes, contributing a value added differential especially in comparison with the products from the emergent countries, as for example Chinese.

Although at first sight it can seem a more laborious way, in this year entrante will follow betting by the constant innovation and optimisation of the processes, and particularly for the sector of feeding will continue with the development of the range of products solids Hygienic.

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