Spraying Systems Spain, S.L. (Autojet) - Spraying systems

Team of pulverización of chocolate: indicated for the process of grageado in tumblers

Picture of Team of pulverización of chocolate
Team of pulverización of chocolate with system of calefactado and program specify for the integrated cheese cheese process of grageado in tumblers. This system effects a very precise dosage of product and his capacity of production is until six faster times that in manual applications with jug.

With the use of this team, the operario does not go in in contact with the chocolate, what gives like result a greater hygiene in the process. Likewise, it diminishes the problem of agglomeration in sticky and small products and delete the problems of derretimiento ocasionados when applying coatings to excessive temperature. Besides, it reduces the hand of work since the process effects of automatic form.

The team is compact and portable, ideal for small and average batches, flexible productions and departments of R&D. Besides, the system has of a tank of storage of product of 50 litres. The system of control keeps the parameters of pulverización and the temperature of form very stable. The installed program in the PLC realises of automatic form the cycle of pulverización and refrigeration of product of sequential form until completing the recipe selected, guaranteeing a precise dosage of product in each cycle.

The option with double exit of gun allows to control with an alone team two tumblers of form entirely independent. Also in option supplies with system of car filled of tank.