Spraying Systems Spain, S.L. (Autojet) - Spray guns


Guns of pulverización: automatic and of high speed

Picture of Guns of pulverización
Spraying Systems Has the range of guns of pulverización Pulsajet for applications in automatic processes.

These guns, accionadas electrically to Vcc, with an opening operation/closing until 10.000 cycles/min, allow to automate any process of pulverización of intermittent form. They apply for the dosage of antimicrobic agents; application of desmoldeantes; application of coatings, cutting by chorro of water; humectación, etc.

The possibilities to powder any clear are almost boundless: they can them adapt from the filters with mix of air-liquid for viscous products until the range Unijet of hydraulics filters in chorro flat, full cone, airless, etc.

These guns can use to apply precise quantities of product in continuous, in lineas of production of variable speed, what allows savings of more than 20% of product.

The operation consists in a control PWM in which miscellaneous the frequency of pulsación of the gun in function of the speed of the linea, achieving that the application of product was always constant. With the gun Pulsajet and the control PWM can arrive to ratios of application of 1 to 1.000.