Spraying Systems Spain, S.L. (Autojet) - Cutting machines


Guns for cut of bread: by chorro of water

Picture of Guns for cut of bread
Spraying Systems Co. It presents his range of guns of pulverización PulsaJet for cutting or escariado of bread by chorro of water. These guns accionan electrically to 24 Vcc with an opening operation/closing of until 10.000 cycles by minute. Thanks to this allows to realise the cut by chorro of water of clean and precise form, without drippings. Between the advantages of the cut by chorro of water can mention : greater speeds of production allowed, lower costs and time of maintenance, avoid the stops of line by trip of the bread when hitting in the blade, especially in small breads, disappears the risk of damages with the blades during the cleaning and maintenance of the team of cut, avoid the problems associated to the break of blades (no detection by the systems of magnetic of detection) and greater possibilities of creation of different varieties of cutting.