Parcitank, S.A. - Storage silos


Deposits of storage of dairy: with possibility of agitation

Picture of Deposits of storage of dairy
Deposits designed for the dairy. Inside the products includes a wide range of necessary accessories for his manipulation, filled and casting, levels, gates, valves, pipes, which install for the correct operation of the deposits.

Material of manufacture :

- Totally in stainless steel Aisi-304.

- External finishing in 2B, Satinado or BA.

- Inner finishing in 2B, Satinado or BA.

- Enchapado In stainless steel AISI-304, totally soldered.

Characteristics of the deposit:

- conical upper Bottom of 17º with bordones concentric to give him rigidity and rebordeo perimetral to avoid alive edges in the union with the virola.

- Feet of prismatic support and regulables.


- Isolation by means of polyurethane in rigid plates with low coefficient of thermal sensors conductivity.

Standard accessories in stainless steel:

- Aireador with mesh anti-insects.

- Hooks for load and download.

- System of cleaning.

- Plate of Identification.

- Rule of level graduated.

- Tap of level sacamuestras.

- System of cleaning of the rule of level.

- Tap sacamuestras esterilizable.

- Valve of butterfly of entrance/gone out of product.

- Mouth of oval Inferior man.

- Agitador.

- Thermometer.


- Caps for the valves.

- Connection for Probe of Temperature PT-100.

- Probe of temperature PT-100.

- Picture with Digital Finder of Level and Temperature.

- Level by means of Manometer of Pressesure.

- Protective for agitador.

- Gone in Anti-foam.