Spraying Systems Spain, S.L. (Autojet) -


Cabezales Of wash of tanks autogiratorio: it can be used in cleanings with recirculation of chemical agent of high concentration, to low pressesure and high discharge

Picture of Cabezales Of wash of tanks autogiratorio
Spraying Systems Presents the cabezal of wash of tanks car-giratorio TankJet 75, for the effective cleaning of deposits, from the standard IBC to tanks of until 9 metres of diameter. It can be used in cleanings with recirculation of chemical agent of high concentration, to low pressesure and high discharge. His high impact allows to reduce the times of cleaning and the consumption of chemical products.

Depending of the model, two or four filters turn 360º in two axles, producing a complete scanning of the surface of the tank by means of streams concentrated of high impact. Thanks to the internal design of the filters reduce the internal turbulences, achieving a long scope and high impact, facilitating the cleaning of any type of residue, even the more adherentes. The cabezal does not need engine since it is accionado by the own flow of water, with a speed of slow twist, of 7 to 18 rpm, to guarantee an effective cleaning, in complete cycles of 360º in a time from among 3 and 7 minutes.

It is light and easy to handle, weighs of 0,9 to 1,4 kg, being able to use for the cleaning of several tanks in a same installation, or for cleanings CIP. The interior and the materials employed are designed to minimise the obstructions, increase the length and facilitate the use of all type of chemical agents. It works with low pressesures and averages of 3,5 to 20 bar and there is available 8 sizes with a rank of discharges of 30 to 125 l/min. The cycles of cleaning go of 10 to 30 minutes.

Spraying Systems Has of a wide range of lavadores TankJet, motorised, fixed and autogiratorios, to cover all the rank of capacities of tanks and deposits.