Monografía 50Rotación Motores D= Propulsor directo. I= Propulsor con inversor. J= Propulsor con reductor. K= Propulsor con inversor-reductor. A= Motor auxiliar. M= Motor estacionario. B= Propulsor adaptado a una hélice de paso variable Cilindros Ciclo MODELO Potencia Máx. (kW) Régimen (rpm) Peso (kg) Diámetro (mm) Carrera (mm) P.M.E. (bar) Velocidad pistón (m/s) Consumo (g/kW h) Aplicaciones Longitud (mm) Anch. polines (mm) Altura desde polines Cilindrada (I) Alt.mín.FRDM.PIDY OBSERVACIONES MARCA Operation with Variable Load 271kW-3015kW MTU 16V4000P61 16V 4 1760 190 1500 7085 165 65 21,7 9,5 202 3B 3470 3B Application - Continuous Power - Continuous Operation withVariable Load 271kW3015kW MAN Diesel L28/32H 8L 4 1760 320 750 40.700 280 17,9 8 A 8.749 WARTSILA-VASA 32BC1A 6R 1765 350 720 29.200 320 168,9 17,42 8,40 138,2 P A E 5.083 1.993 2.945 A.B.C. 8DZC-1000-166 8L 4 1768 310 1.000 13.905 256 127,6 16,6 10,3 193,0 JKAMB 4.681 870 2.102 2.150 WARTSILA 26A55A 6L 1770 320 900 17.100 260 101,9 23,15 9,60 136,0 P A E 4.197 1.809 2.303 ROLLS-ROYCE KR8 8L 4 1780 300 825 27.400 250 117,7 22,41 8,25 K 6.808 1.465 1.860 WARTSILA-VASA 32BC1B 6R 1789 350 750 29.200 320 168,9 16,95 8,75 139,7 P A E 5.083 1.993 2.945 MTU 16V2000M93 16V 4 1790 156 2450 3380 135 35,7 24,5 12,7 209 1DS 2285 1DS Application - High Performance Rating 466kW10000kW MTU 16V2000M96 16V 4 1790 156 2450 3390 135 35,7 24,6 12,64 215 1DS 2258 1DS Application - High Performance Rating 466kW10000kW MTU 16V4000P63 16V 4 1800 210 1500 8800 170 76,3 18,9 10,5 198 3A 3117 3A Application - Continuous Power - Unrestricted Continuous Operation 298kW-1760kW WARTSILA 20CB9 9L 1800 280 1.000 12.500 200 79,2 27,28 9,33 141,1 P A E 4.031 1.360 2.045 2.125 NAVANTIA-M.A.N.-B&W 18V20/27 18V 4 1800 270 1.000 15.300 200 152,6 14,44 9 195,0 JKAMB 4.370 990 2.100 1.830 A.B.C. 12DZC-750-150 12V 4 1800 310 750 18.000 256 191,5 15 7,7 188,0 JKAMB 4.405 1.215 1.835 2.200 CUMMINS KTA50-M2 16 V 4 1800 159 1.900 5.431 159 50,0 16,62 10,07 211,0 KAM 2.603 1.564 2.252 CUMMINS QSK50-M T-2 16 V 4 1800 159 1.900 N / A 159 50,0 16,62 10,07 N / A KAM 3.602 1.671 2.105 Electr. Tier II M.A.K. 9 M 20 C 9 4 1800 300 1000 15000 200 84 25,5 9/10 191/192 KAB 9846 1693 1856 SKANDIAVERKEN-YANMAR 6N280L-ZV 6 L 1801 380 720 280 140,39 19,7 9,5 140,0 A SKANDIAVERKEN-YANMAR 6N280L-ZV 6 L 1801 380 750 280 140,39 21,39 9,12 140,0 A WARTSILA 26A3B 8L 1820 320 1.000 21.800 260 135,9 16,07 10,67 136,7 P A E 5.234 1.853 2.300 ROLLS-ROYCE KR9 9L 4 1820 300 750 12.600 250 132,4 22,4 7,5 K 7.233 1.435 1.860 ROLLS-ROYCE KR9 9L 4 1820 300 750 21.600 250 132,4 22,4 7,5 K 7.233 1.435 1.860 SKANDIAVERKEN-YANMAR 6N280-EN 6 L 1838 380 720 280 140,39 20,54 9,5 140,0 A MTU 16V4000M23S 16V 4 1840 210 1800 8590 170 76,3 16,1 12,6 207 3A 2990 3A Application - Continuous Power - Unrestricted Continuous Operation 298kW-1760kW MTU 16V4000M53 16V 4 1840 210 1800 8590 170 76,3 14,9 11,2 199 1A 2990 1A Application - Unrestricted Continuous Rating 261kW-2240kW MTU 16V4000P81 16V 4 1840 190 1800 7085 165 65 18,8 11,4 201 3A 3470 3A Application - Continuous Power - Unrestricted Continuous Operation 298kW-1760kW MTU 12V4000M71 12V 4 1850 190 2000 6975 165 48,7 22,8 12,7 209 1B 2910 1B Application - Maximun Continuous Rating 354kW9100kW MTU 16V396TE54 16V 4 1850 185 1800 6000 165 63,4 19,5 11,1 206 3B 3070 3B Application - Continuous Power - Continuous Operation with Variable Load 271kW-3015kW WARTSILA-VASA 32A1B 9R 1856 350 750 44.400 320 253,3 11,72 8,75 139,7 P A E 6.603 2.034 3.336 WARTSILA 26A1A 12V 1860 320 900 29.000 260 203,9 12,16 9,60 134,5 P A E 5.168 2.464 2.472 WARTSILA 26A6A 6L 1860 320 900 17.100 260 101,9 24,33 9,60 136,0 P A E 4.197 1.809 2.303 A.B.C. 8DZC-1000-175 8L 4 1872 310 1.000 13.905 256 127,6 17,6 10,3 193,0 JKAMB 4.681 870 2.102 2.150 CUMMINS KTA50-M2 16 V 4 1875 159 1.950 5.431 159 50,0 16,87 10,34 143 * KAM 2.603 1.564 2.252 MAN Diesel L28/32H 9L 4 1890 320 720 47.100 280 17,9 7.7 A 8.889 ROLLS-ROYCE KR9 9L 4 1890 300 900 21.600 250 132,4 19,38 9 7.233 1.435 1.860 ROLLS-ROYCE KR9 9L 4 1890 300 1.000 21.600 250 132,4 17,44 10 A 7.233 1.435 1.860 A.B.C. 12DZC-720-166 12V 4 1908 310 720 18.000 256 191,5 16,6 7,4 188,0 JKAMB 4.405 1.215 1.835 2.200 SKANDIAVERKEN-YANMAR 8N280-UN 8 L 1911 380 720 280 187,19 17,03 9,12 142,0 P WARTSILA-VASA 32A1A 8R 1912 350 720 40.500 320 225,2 14,15 8,40 138,2 P A E 6.113 2.034 3.312 MTU 12V4000M73 12V 4 1920 190 1970 8460 170 51,7 22,6 12,5 212 1B 2870 1B Application - Maximun Continuous Rating 354kW9100kW MTU 16V4000M63R 16V 4 1920 210 1600 8590 170 76,3 18,9 11,2 203 1A 2990 1A Application - Unrestricted Continuous Rating 261kW-2240kW WARTSILA-VASA 32A1B 8R 1935 350 750 40.500 320 225,2 13,75 8,75 139,7 P A E 6.113 2.034 3.312 MAN Diesel L21/31 9L 4 1935 310 1.000 18.200 210 24,1 184,0 A 4.300 MTU 16V2000M94 16V 4 1939 156 2450 3380 135 35,7 26,6 12,7 216 1DS 2315 1DS Application - High Performance Rating 466kW10000kW MTU 16V2000M94 16V 4 1939 156 2450 3380 135 35,7 26,6 12,7 216 1DS 2315 1DS Application - High Performance Rating 466kW10000kW MTU 16V2000M96L 16V 4 1939 156 2450 3390 135 35,7 26,6 12,64 216 1DS 3390 1DS Application - High Performance Rating 466kW10000kW MTU 16V4000P83 16V 4 1940 210 1800 8800 170 76,3 17 12,6 205 3A 3117 3A Application - Continuous Power - Unrestricted Continuous Operation 298kW-1760kW A.B.C. 12DZC-900-135 12V 4 1944 310 900 18.000 256 191,5 13,5 9,3 191,0 JKAMB 4.405 1.215 1.835 2.200 A.B.C. 8DZC-1000-183 8L 4 1945 310 1.000 13.905 256 127,6 18,3 10,3 193,0 JKAMB 4.681 870 2.102 2.150 WARTSILA 26A1B 12V 1950 320 1.000 29.000 260 203,9 11,48 10,67 135,2 P A E 5.168 2.464 2.472 WARTSILA 26A6B 6L 1950 320 1.000 17.100 260 101,9 22,95 10,67 136,7 P A E 4.197 1.809 2.303 WARTSILA 26A7A 6L 1950 320 900 17.100 260 101,9 25,51 9,60 136,0 P A E 4.197 1.809 2.303