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Talk The impact of the economic crisis on the quality of plastic paints Within the framework of the 25th ASEFAPI Technical Conference held in Barcelona, Tomás Tébar, of Quimidroga, presented the talk Market Research on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Quality of Plastic Paints. Based on a comparison of different paint categories in 2011 and 2013, this study shows, among other conclusions, that the influence of the crisis has caused an increase in the use of cheaper paints, some of which are of very poor quality and of generic brands. In addition, some manufacturers have chosen to use cheaper raw materials to save costs, without always being clear on the global repercussions of this decision. Companies SIKA promotes a literary award in Spanish. The 7th «Patricia Sánchez Cuevas» International Short Story Award, sponsored by the international manufacturer SIKA has been held. The award has three categories: National (for Spanish authors), International (non-Spanish authors, regardless of whether they live in Spain) and Construction/lndustry. The main attraction for the award winners is the publication of their short story in the specially compiled book of best stories. News Blatem multi-purpose dyes Within the framework of the revolution that the Mixology system has represented for sector professionals and for tintometric points, Blatem paints now presents another step forward in this evolution. Its new concentrated multi-purpose dyes make it possible to colour all types of paints for decoration. They are unique because of their great dyeing ability and their strong colour as well as being easy to mix. They provide clients with an enormously versatile product for colouring all types of waterbased paint (such as vinyl and acrylic products etc.) and solvent based (synthetic varnishes of all types). Montó MicroCement system MicroCement is the latest trend in decoration and interior design for achieving limitless designs. It is a system of products, based on bicomponent cement coverings and the combination of all of them that produces: a continuous high-performance covering, providing long- lasting impermeable finishes that are highly resistant to wear and tear. It is also an exclusive decorative finish that makes it easy to create unique areas for each application. Lastest News ANSPI asks the Ministry of Development to accept its paint specifications. The National Federation of Paint Manufacturers (Anspi - Fnep) regrets that the Ministry of Development is showing little interest in using the ANSPI Technical Specifications Manual to update the paint application processes included in the CTE (Technical Building Code). ANSPI considers that many of the CTE specifications are obsolete and encourage architects and quantity surveyors to produce unsuitable specifications. Bruguer collaborates with the «Reparalia DIY Workshop» The Bruguer brand took part in the first holding of the Reparalia DIY Workshop held at the Espacio Mood project in Malasaña (Madrid). This was a conference devoted to the «techniques of home painting» where the home, decoration and DIY sector’s bloggers could get to know each other, discuss new trends, share knowledge and learn in a relaxed and practical leisure environment. Organisation of the 26th ASEFAPI Technical Conference has begun After the success of the 25th Conference, the Technical Commission of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Paints and Printing Inks (ASEFAPI) has begun work on preparing a new conference. The meeting will be held in Barcelona on 5th November 2015 at the Catalonian Conference Centre. There are already a number of advance requests to take part. New Bruguer Visualizer App with augmented reality The new Bruguer Visualizer application is a tool that helps the consumer to see how their room changes colour at any time thanks to exclusive augmented reality technology. By just touching the screen, walls can be seen displaying Bruguer colours. Jotun provides a cutting-edge lounge Jotun and the magazine Mi Casa have organised a competition among users of the paint brand and readers with a prize of a complete lounge redesign in their home. Blatem supports business innovation Pinturas Blatem took part in the Business Innovation and Growth Forum held at the Auditorium in Torrent (Valencia). Francisco Castellote, head of the Environmental Department, put the emphasis on decorative product lines developed thanks to the company's R+D+i Department. Bruguer unites with consumers for the «back to school» season Bruguer wants to help consumers to create study spaces in their homes that improve children's concentration and creativity. Through its Facebook page it will refund two euros to its customers for each purchase of a tin of paint to help them create their desired workspaces. SÓLO PINTURA 37