TUESDAYMORNINGDECLARES ITSELF BANKRUPT In late May, US houseware retailer Tuesday Morning filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States, becoming the fifth major retailer in the industry to do so since the beginning of the health crisis. MACY’SANNOUNCES MILLIONS IN LOSSES The US department store chain Macy’s expects to record operating losses of between 905 million and 1,110 million dollars (823 million and 1,009 million Euro) betweenFebruary andApril. ITALY: JOINT STATEMENT BY TWO OF THE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS FIAC, the Association of Italian Manufacturers of Houseware, Tableware and Related Articles, and Assofoodtec, the entity that represents manufacturers for the HORECA channel, have issued a joint communiqué in response to the crisis caused by Covid 19. THEMETALTEXFACTORY INMEXICO, CAUGHTOFFGUARDBYASTRONG TORNADO On 8 May, an intense storm with winds of up to 220 km/h in the northwest of the Mexican state of Nuevo León significantly affected several towns, including Apodaca, where the Mexican headquarters of the Metaltex subsidiary is located. ONLINE SALES INCREASE TWELVE-FOLD IN THE UK In May, the second month of forced closure of non-essential commercial establishments in the United Kingdom due to Covid-19, online sales increased by a factor of 12 compared to the first months of the year, with a growth of 32.7% compared to the previous year, according to a report by Capgemini. trends and needs in this field. There is clearly a long way to go in terms of waste separation and, to some extent, the development of this sector depends on the decisions taken by governments and public awareness. TOWARDSANEWTRADE FAIRMODEL? The European Trade Fair Association estimates losses of 125 billion Euro due to the cancellation of events. Many have been rescheduled as of September, but many people advocate hybrid models: in-person when and where possible, and virtual to meet the rest of the demand. THE ‘NEWNORMALITY’ IN THE HORECAANDRETAIL SECTOR In a webinar, the Observatory of Habitat Trends discusses how the Covid-19 prevention measures will affect the HORECA and retail sectors. The initiative aims to approach the home equipment and contract sector in a multidisciplinary way, reviewing ‘The new normality and its influence on the HORECA and retail sector’, the economic and structural changes that this situation has meant for these sectors and what implications all this has on trends. ITALY, CONSUMERRESEARCH The Italian kitchenware and tableware market has an estimated value of 6.78 billion Euro, according to research by the associationART,Arti della Tavola i del Regalo. 65 -