abstracts NEWS ROLSER RECEIVES THEPEPEMIRALLESAWARD Lastyear,on9December,CadenaSerDenia heldthe36thJoséMarsalCaballeroawards ceremony, and this year the Pepe Miralles Special Prize was awarded to Rolser. The panel placed special emphasis on «its 50th anniversary of progress and constant innovation; the company currently having embarked on an internationalization process inwhich itexports tomore than60countries worldwide». Joan Server, surrounded by the rest of his family, wished to express his gratitude for this award, which has rounded off an important year for the company, which beganwitha trip to Ibizawithall theworkers tocommemorate the 50thanniversary,themultitudinouspartyheldinthefactoryandthe factofbeingspeakersatthePedreguerfestivities. ACAPITAL INVESTMENTFIRM BUYSTHEARAGONESECOMPANY,ARAVEN GED,aPrivateEquitygroupoperatinginthemiddlemarketsegment, hasacquired90%ofAraveninanoperationthathasalsoinvolved the investor, Oquendo, which takes aminority stake in the share capitalandcontributesresourcesintheformofmezzaninedebt. ThesellersareIbercaja(whichwasthemajorityshareholderofthe Aragonesecompany),CapitalInnovaciónyCrecimientoandACapital ActivosEmpresariales(regionalinvestmentcompanies),companies acquiredbyAravenS.L.in2006.Theoperationhastakenplaceafter the objectives of the investment have been achieved, in terms of bothprofitabilityandcompliancewiththecompany’sstrategicplan, basedoninternationalizationandthelaunchingofnewproducts. Aravenclosed the financialyear2016havingexceeded its targets, withaturnoverof22.3millionEuros.Atpresent,72%ofitsrevenues aregeneratedoutsideSpain(comparedto45%in2007).Itexports itsproductionto70countriesworldwide. PEPE RODRÍGUEZ ANDBERTÍNOSBORNE, AMBASSADORSOFBERGNER This year, Bergner has two outstanding ambassadorswhocomplementeachother perfectly: the 1-Michelin star chef and member of the MasterChef panel, Pepe Rodriguez, and the television host and singer,BertínOsborne. ThisisthethirdyearrunninginwhichPepe Rodríguez and Bergner collaborate with eachother,weavinganalliancebasedon trust and professionalism. Rodríguez’s very personal style of cooking in which creativity, technique and tradition merge in perfect harmony has been decisiveinBergner’sdecisionto continue collaborating with «a chefofhisstature».Thenovelty this year comes in the form of television host and singer, BertínOsborne,oneofthemost charismaticandpopularfigures of the small screen and the musicscene. ADIANDFAGORSIGN ACOLLABORATIONAGREEMENT ARC Distribución Ibérica (ADI), a distribution subsidiary of the Frenchgroup,ARC,hasconcludedacollaborationagreementfor the development of different categories of kitchenware products withFagor,acompanyofSpanishoriginwithmorethan60years’ experienceinthesectorandrecognizedprestigeinthemarket. IntheADIportfolio,Fagor(whichhasbeenpartoftheCNAGroup since autumn 2014) represents a guarantee for its customers in the form of high quality products thatmeet the demands of new lifestylesatanaffordableprice.With itsslogan«Experts inyou», theFagorbrandreinforcesitscommitmenttoconsumers«because more important than what we do, it is who we do it for».And, nowadays, in the general public’s purchasing decision-making process, top brands such as Fagor offer the consumer reliability andsecurity. MARKETS COOKWARE: NEW CONCEPTS Heat conduction, adaptation to differentsourcesofenergy,efficiency, safety and ergonomics of handles, strength, durabi l i ty and di fferent materials are the focus of current researchinthefieldofcookware,whichis also concerned about health and the environment. Handles and lidsarealsoamajoraspectofthenewfeaturesthathaverecently beenpresented. CUTLERY, ADIVERSIFYINGMARKET Thecutleryindustryisfirmlyrootedin the Spanish and European industrial tradition. This can be seen in the associative force of the Albacete companies,themainhubofproduction inSpain;butalso,forexample,inthe union of the French cutlers of the 64-menaje