THE INTERVIEW ALFONSO BRAVO, SALES DIRECTOR AT RHOINTER ESPAÑA, S.L. : «We are meeting allof thegoalswehadset forourselves.»After carrying out important operations to reintroduce brand names on our market, Rhointer takes a positivepointofview. SILVERWARE RECOVERS All tableproducts,silverwareamong them,have takena little longer than other house wares to show the recoveryofdemand.Butthetimehas come.Themarket confirms that the prospects, although modest, are improving, especial ly in the professionalsector,thehotelsector, which is where sales are really the strongest.However,privatedemand isalso improving. SMALL UTENSILS: CREATIVITYWINSOUT Cross-disciplinaryandeclectic,small kitchenutensilsareoneofthekitchen itemsthathavesufferedleastduring thefinancialcrisis,assalesmanaged toholdtheirown.Nevertheless,they face a very significant presence of importsandgrowingcompetitionfrom low-cost products. For this reason, differentiation (in a saturated segment) iscrucial forcompeting. RECYCLING PROMOTES IMAGINATION In spite of its youth, the recycling bin sectorisfullyconsolidated,withawide rangeofproducts,qualities,capacities, materials, and designs. The many solutionsprovidedbythemarketsatisfy practicallyallneedsandmakethealways tedioustaskofseparatingwasteeasier. Themostevidenttrendistheincreasein the capacity of containers—there are moreandmoremodelswithavolumeof over25 litres. FAIRS HOSTELCO 2016 INCORPORATES NEW SECTORS Hostelcohascomeofagein2016.Itwillbeheldfor the18thyearfrom23rdto26thOctoberatBarcelona’s Gran Via fairgrounds, bringing together the latest trends and innovations in equipment and services for the food industry, the hotel industry, and community facilities. EXCLUSIVELY HOUSEWARES KEEPS INNOVATING On14thand15thJune,ExclusivelyHousewares,the annual fair held in London, once again broughttogetherahealthyrepresentation of firms, always with the singular format that characterises this event. Organised by theBritishHomeEnhancementTrade Associa-tion (BHETA), it includes about 120 suppliers in the industry of house wares, cooking, and table wares, taking place at the Business Design Centre in LondoneverymonthofJune. SIXTY FINALISTS INGIA’SGLOBAL INNOVATIONAWARDS The IHAGlobal InnovationsAwards(gia) chose sixty finalists this year, in twelve categories, fromover500competitors.A panel of experts in the industry and specialisedshops,aswellas themedia, selectedtheseproducts,whichrepresent the best choices of design and functionalism for theNorthAmericanmarket. HOUSEWARES TAKEOFFATALIMENTARIA Although in very early stages, there are already some brands in the sector that havedecidedtoattendtheAlimentariafair. Gastronomyandhousewaresincreasingly go hand in hand, and so it isn’t crazy to think that this initiative might spread in comingyears. HOMIPREPARES ITS SEPTEMBER EDITION From 16th to 19th September, 2016, the MilanFairwillonceagainwelcomeHOMI, whichhasconfirmed itselfasabreeding ground for quality and new opportunities to develop the «Made in Italy» brand, a containerofprojectsofgreatvaluelaying the groundwork for creating specific developmentopportunitiesforcompanies. HOUSE&GIFTFAIRRETURNS WITHNEWPROPOSALS Founded25yearsago,theHouse&Gift FairinSaoPaulobringstogethertheentire chain of production in the industry of appliance and decorative items; the fifth largest such fair in the world, i t is considered themain fair in the sector in LatinAmerica. 65-menaje