INTERVIEWS MIQUELGARRIGA,GENERALMANAGEROFZWILLING J.A.HENCKELS IBERIA: «STRATEGICACQUISITIONS HAVE REINFORCED OUR ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT.» With the acquisition of the Italian company Ballarini, the GermangroupZwillingJ.A.Henckelsismovingforwardwith its successful model of growth, previously demonstrated through the purchase of Demeyere and Staub. This way, Zwillingistakingastrongpositionamongrangesofcookers. JUAN JOSÉ ORTEGA, SALES DIRECTOR FOR VITRINOR-MAGEFESA:«ONCEOFTHEADVANTAGES OF HAVINGA FACTORY IN SPAIN ISA QUICK RESPONSE TIME.»With twenty years of historybehindit,Vitrinor-Magefesaiswell-placedas asolidSpanishmanufacturer. outsideof Italy)came togetheragain at HOMI, the Milan show that was visited by a total of 81,450 professionals. The figures are comparable tothoseoflastyear. KITCHENWARE IN THE WORLD RUMOURSOFTHESALEOFWMF According to informat ion in the Germanpress,theWMFgroup,which belongs to the firm KKR, might be abouttobesold.Rumoursranrampant at theAmbiente show, and it seems that the capital thatwould be buying theGermanfirmmightbeChinese. THE UNITED STATES IS NEARLY ONE-FOURTH OF THE WORLD MARKET The United States represents 22.7% of the world house ware market, according to the latest study put out bytheIHA,almostonparwithEurope, whichis22.3%.Americanconsumers spend75.1billionAmericandollarson amarketthathasbeengrowingevery yearsince2010. ARC INTERNATIONAL RE-LAUNCHESTHEARCOPALBRAND Arcopal, founded in France in 1958, isoneofthebrandnamesoftheArc International group, very well-known among French, Spanish, and Middle Eastern customers, even after i ts operat ions were suspendedattheendofthe90’s. ITALIANKITCHENWAREEXPORTSGROW Italiankitchenwarefirmsexport65%oftheirsales, witha totalbillingof562millioneuros,compared to858of themarket total (domesticand foreign). ThisiswhatthedatafromFIAC,theFederationof skillet,pot,silverware,anddishmanufacturershad to say about 2015. This industry employs nearly 3,900peopleandisexpectedtocontinuetogrow abroadin2016. THE HOTEL INDUSTRY AECOCANALYSES THE HOTEL SECTOR OnMarch 1st and 2nd, the SpanishAssociation of Fast-Moving Consumer Good Companies (Aecoc) met in Madrid, bringingtogetherover500managersandhighlevel executives in the hotel industry to analysetherecoveryofthesectoraftersix straightyearsofdecline. Thehotelsector,whichrepresentsover7% oftheSpanishGNPandemploysover1.4 mi l l ion people in Spain, suffered a cumulativedropinthemarketofover20% duringtheeconomiccrisis,clearlyaffected bythedecreaseinconsumerconfidence. HOREQ CONSOLIDATES ITSPOSITION IN2016 TheProfessionalShowofSuppliersforthe HotelandTourismSector,HOREQ2016, closed for theeighthyearwithasuccess in participation that confirms the fair ’s consol idat ion as one of the main commercialeventsonthefaircalendarfor theprofessionalhotel industry, located in a fundamental location,Madrid. VICRILABUILDS ANEWPLANTINMEXICO Movingaheadwithitsplanforinternational expansion, Vicrila, a Basque company located in Leioa-Bizkaia, has announced thebuildingofaglassproductionplantin Mexico,throughitspresident,LuisManuel Fernández.Thefactorywillbelocatednear thecapital,ona50,000-m2lot,whichwill beverywellplacedtoservetheAmerican market. 65-menaje