
UN INFORME REVELA LA NECESIDAD DE INVERTIR 1,5 BILLONES DE EUROS PARA ALCANZAR LA MOVILIDAD SOSTENIBLE EN EUROPA EN 2050 EL ESTUDIO ‘COSTE Y BENEFICIO DE LA TRANSICIÓN A LA MOVILIDAD URBANA’ HA SIDO ELABORADO POR EIT URBAN MOBILITY HOW TO DECARBONISE MOBILITY IN CITIES TO REACH THE GREEN DEAL TARGETS "Prioritising public transport is key to a fair and sustainable transition." – Maria Tsavachidis, CEO, EIT Urban Mobility ¹ Compared to 1990 levels 2 Learn More: Costs and Benefits of the Urban Mobility Transition: https:/ The just transition toward zero-emission mobility and the achievement of Green Deal targets for the transport sector will depend on coordinated efforts across all levels -from city to European- along with significant investments in clean mobility. The scenario with the highest reduction in car trips offers potential cost savings of up to €15,000 per EU inhabitant by 2050. Therefore, significant efforts are required to meet the 55% emission reduction required by the Green Deal. ¹ €500 billion for the implementation and management of sustainable mobility measures. By 2050, almost 75% of trips in large cities could be shared, active, or by public transport. By 2030, public transport ridership could increase by up to 7%, while private car trips could drop by up to 16%. More sustainable mobility will reduce traffic fatalities by up to 70% thanks to improved road safety measures. By 2030, technological progress in mobility could help reduce emissions by 21% Shifting to active transport modes like walking and cycling could generate €1,170 in health savings per capita by 2050. Transitioning to sustainable urban mobility by 2050 requires at least €1.5 trillion in investment from public and private sectors. Public transport emerges as the most affordable and inclusive solution to reduce urban mobility emissions across all scenarios. € € € € € € EMISSION EIT Urban Mobility, una iniciativa del Instituto Europeo de Tecnología e Innovación (EIT, por sus siglas en inglés), organismo de la Unión Europea, presentó el 1 de octubre su último estudio, ‘Coste y beneficio de la transición a la movilidad urbana’. Se trata de una amplia investigación en la cual se “explora cómo las ciudades europeas pueden recorrer el complejo camino hacia la consecución de los objetivos del Pacto Verde de la UE para el sector del transporte en 2030 y 2050, evaluando las repercusiones financieras y sociales de diversas estrategias de movilidad”. MOVILIDAD 58