El gasto energético de los edificios y dependencias municipales dista mucho de ser trivial. Por ejemplo, en 2016, el Ayuntamiento de Madrid desembolsó 33 M€ en las facturas energéticas de sus 1.600 edificios. El gasto energético no es solo alto en términos absolutos, también representa una parte importante del presupuesto municipal; alrededor del 30% del gasto de un ayuntamiento son suministros. Aplicar medidas de eficiencia energética es el primer paso para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, y es esencial para ahorrar dinero que luego se puede invertir en iniciativas orientadas a luchar contra la pobreza energética y a fomentar el autoconsumo renovable. La recopilación y análisis de datos son claves para potenciar el ahorro y reducir las emisiones. Los beneficios que pueden obtener los municipios están ilustrados en el caso del municipio de Rubí que, gracias a la iniciativa Rubí Brilla, en un año consiguió ahorrar 500.000 € en sus costes asociados al consumo energético. Este ahorro fue posible gracias una serie de medidas que fomentaban la medición e identificación de áreas con el mayor potencial para el ahorro y la eficiencia energética. Un caso más reciente es el del ayuntamiento de El Prat de Llobregat, que en abril de 2020 logró un ahorro diario de 600 € en la factura eléctrica, al reducir la potencia contratada en 29 dependencias municipales que estuvieron cerradas debido a la crisis del coronavirus (La Vanguardia, 2020). En este caso, el uso de la plataforma The energy expenditure of municipal buildings and departments is far from being a trivial matter. For example, in 2016, the Madrid City Hall spent €33m on the energy bills of its 1,600 buildings. The energy expenditure is not only high in absolute terms, but also represents an important part of the municipal budget; around 30% of municipal costs is in supplies. The application of energy efficiency measures is the first step to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and is essential for saving money that can then be invested into initiatives geared towards combating energy poverty and promoting renewable selfconsumption. The gathering and analysis of data is key to enhancing saving and reducing emissions. The benefits that municipalities can obtain are illustrated by the case of the municipal district of Rubí which, thanks to the “Rubí Brilla” initiative, has managed to save €500,000 in costs associated with energy consumption. This saving was possible thanks to a series of measures that fostered metering and the identification of areas with the greatest potential for saving and energy efficiency. A more recent case is the town hall of El Prat de Llobregat that, in April 2020, achieved a daily saving on the electricity bill of €600, by reducing the capacity contracted for 29 municipal departments that were closed due to the coronavirus (source: La Vanguardia, 2020). In this case, the use of the PylonData energy consumption analysis platform allowed the town hall to take quick action to adapt to the circumstances. The measures that contribute to energy efficiency not only facilitate saving and reduce emissions, but also help mitigate energy poverty that in Spain alone affects 8 million people, a problem that following the health crisis caused by COVID-19 threatens to become exacerbated with an increase in unemployment and the consequent fall in income.Within this context, the fact that Spain is the fifth country in Europe in which homes pay the most for electricity, at 0.23 €/kWh (source: Eurostat, 2019), also has a negative impact on energy poverty. According to PylonData, 85% of consumers have contracted a tariff which is too expensive and the small consumer could save on average between 150 and 200 €/year by just changing their tariff. The work that the municipalities can undertake in this field is vital. In this regard, El Prat de Llobregat has implemented an online service to optimise electricity contracting, supported CÓMO USAN EL ANÁLISIS DE DATOS LOS MUNICIPIOS ESPAÑOLES PARA SER MÁS EFICIENTES Y RENOVABLES La factura de la luz representa un gasto significativo en los ayuntamientos, y en la mayoría de los casos hay claras oportunidades de ahorro. Pero lo que no se mide, difícilmente se gestiona, así que los ayuntamientos punteros en ahorro y eficiencia energética se han apoyado en tecnologías de análisis de datos para ser más eficientes y renovables, y así poder hacer frente a la crisis climática y a la pobreza energética. ATA Insights y PylonData han recogido estas experiencias en el informe “Análisis de datos para municipios eficientes y renovables”, en el que se recoge cómo el uso de tecnologías de análisis de datos puede potenciar iniciativas municipales orientadas a maximizar el ahorro y la eficiencia energética; y así como luchar contra la pobreza energética y fomentar el autoconsumo. HOWDATA ANALYTICS IS BEING USED BY SPANISH MUNICIPALITIES TO BECOME MORE EFFICIENT AND RENEWABLE The electricity bill represents a significant expense for city halls and in most cases there are clear opportunities for saving. But this is difficult to manage if measurements are not taken, so city halls that are leading the way in energy efficiency and saving have supported data analysis technologies in order to become more efficient and renewable and thereby address the climate crisis and energy poverty. ATA Insights and PylonData have brought these experiences together in the report “Data analysis for efficient and renewable municipalities”, which includes information on how to use data analytical technologies to promote municipal initiatives designed to maximise saving and energy efficiency; as well as combating energy poverty and fostering self-consumption. Eficiencia Energética. Ayuntamientos | Energy Effciency. City Halls FuturEnergy | Julio/Septiembre July/September 2020 www.futurenergyweb.es 69