FY72 - Futur Energy

Fotovoltaica | PV www.futurenergyweb.es 30 FuturEnergy | Julio/Septiembre July/September 2020 De acuerdo con los datos de 2018 de GlobalData, Asia-Pacífico es la región líder mundial en energía fotovoltaica acompañada de Australia y, cada vez más, de Latinoamérica. Este desarrollo no ha llegado aún a África, un continente con un extraordinario potencial, que previsiblemente explotará estas capacidades en los próximos años. En este mercado global, empresas europeas y españolas están exportando su tecnología a diversas partes del mundo donde se están desarrollando plantas fotovoltaicas. Es el caso de Esasolar, que ha sido la encargada de suministrar la estructura fija que soporta los módulos fotovoltaicos para la nueva planta de Usya que Acciona ha desarrollado en Chile, y que cuenta con 64 MWp de potencia instalada. Con ella, se logrará una generación anual de energía libre de emisiones estimada en 146 GWh. Otra de las acciones internacionales de Esasolar en el último año ha sido el suministro de seguidores solares bifaciales para la planta fotovoltaica que Socolco está construyendo en la localidad colombiana de San Benito Abad, ubicada en el departamento de Sucre. La planta, denominada La Sierpe, contará conuna potencia instalada de 26MWp. Los seguidores y estructuras fijas de Esasolar están presentes no solo en España sino también en Reino Unido, Francia, Italia, Grecia, Netherlands (2.5 GW), France (1 GW) and Poland (800 MW). According to figures from REE, the Spanish Electricity Grid, 2019 was the year in which this type of energy experienced the highest level of growth in Spain, representing 61.5% of all renewables connected to the national grid. As regards the cost, figures from IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency, show that the cost of PV energy has fallen 82% since 2010, thereby consolidating as one of the cheapest energies and the preferred option for addressing decarbonisation. Second aspect: globalisation Another elemental lesson that the pandemic has taught us is the need to take global decisions to resolve the major problems that are affecting the world. Climate change is a perfect example of this need for globalisation. The use of renewable energies must extend worldwide, because if only specific geographical regions sign up to them, their effect on the planet will be limited and insufficient. According to 2018 data from GlobalData, Asia-Pacific is the world’s leader in PV energy, alongside Australia and, increasingly, Latin America. This development has still not reached Africa, a continent with an extraordinary potential, that is expected to exploit these capacities in the coming years. In this global market, European and Spanish companies are exporting their technology to different parts of the world where PV plants are being developed. This is the case of Esasolar, which has been contracted to supply the fixed structure on which the PV modules are mounted for the new Usya plant being developed by Acciona in Chile, with 64 MWp of installed capacity. This plant is expected to achieve an estimated 146 GWh of emissions-free annual power generation.