FY64 - FuturEnergy

Cogeneración | CHP FuturEnergy | Octubre October 2019 www.futurenergyweb.es 39 La implantación de los equipos contempla la instalación a intemperie de las microturbinas y de un nuevo ventilador de gases,mientras que el atomizador y quemador existente se encuentran en el interior de la actual nave de secado. Por otro lado, se dispone de nuevas casetas para ubicación de cuadros eléctricos y de control de turbinas y para los cuadros de interconexión eléctrica y centros de control de motores, respectivamente. Los cuadros de control de atomizador y de auxiliares se encuentran en la actual sala de control del atomizador, ubicada en la nave de secado. Por último, la estación de regulación y medida de gas queda ubicada a la intemperie, junto a las microturbinas. Microturbinas a gas La planta de cogeneración consta de cinco grupos de microturbinas Capstone C1000S, cada uno de los cuales tiene una potencia eléctrica nominal de 1 MW y está formado a su vez por cinco microturbinas C200 de 200 kWe unitarios. Así pues, un total de 25 microturbinas Capstone operan en paralelo entregando energía eléctrica a la factoría y proporcionando gases para secado en atomizador. El conjunto de microturbinas tiene capacidad para entregar unos 33 kg/s de gases a 280 ºC. El combustible utilizado para microturbinas es gas natural a 5.5 barg de presión. Cada microturbina C200 dispone de un mismo chasis común para la disposición de sus componentes: turbogenerador, compresor, control units for the spray-dryer and for the auxiliary equipment are located in the existing spray-dryer control room, in the drying shed. Lastly, the fuel gas regulation and metering station is situated outdoors, next to the microturbines. Gas microturbines The CHP plant comprises five Capstone C1000S microturbine gensets, each with a nominal rated output of 1 MWand that are in turnmade up of by five C200microturbines with a per unit capacity of 200 kWe. A total of 25 Capstone microturbines therefore work in parallel, delivering electrical power to the factory and providing gases for spray drying. The microturbines as a whole have the capacity to deliver around 33 kg/s of gas at 280ºC. The fuel used for the microturbines is natural gas at a pressure of 5.5 barg. Each C200 microturbine shares the same chassis on which its component parts are arranged: turbo genset, compressor, alternator, gas recovery unit and auxiliary components, with the compressor, power stage and alternator shaft as one single unit. They are equipped with air bearings meaning that no lubricants are needed. The electric alternator and power electronics achieve an output voltage of 480 kV and a frequency of 60 Hz. The feed air to each microturbine, via its corresponding filtration system, arrives at the microturbine compressor, which increases the air pressure so that it can be input into the combustion chamber. A gas recovery unit heats up the air first in order to achieve greater energy efficiency. Spray-dryer The exhaust gas originating from the microturbine combustion is led to the spray-dryer for drying the clay. The plant has an existing SACMI spray-dryer model ATE-140 with a drying capacity of 14,000 l/h and an installed thermal capacity of 14,295 kW, with the following basic components: • Drying tower. • Set of automatic nozzles with mixers. • Post-combustion burner. • Suction fan. • Pressurisation fan. In order to make use of the microturbine exhaust, the spraydryer has been adapted to incorporate a new inlet for CHP gases, located before the post-combustion burner inlet. In this Datos básicos microturbinas | Microturbine basic data Fabricante | Manufacturer Capstone Distribuidor | Distributor E-Finity Modelo | Model C1000s (dual mode) Unidades | Units 5 x C1000S (= 25 x C200) Combustible | Fuel gas natural | natural gas Prestaciones nominales (x C1000S) | Rated performance (x C1000S) Potencia eléctrica neta | Net power output 1000 kW Eficiencia neta | Net efficiency 33% HR neto (PCI) | Net HR (HHV) 10300 Btu/kWh Consumo de gas | Gas consumption 3027.8 kWPCI | 3027.8 kWLHV Caudal de gases | Gas flow 6.65 kg/s Temperatura gases | Gas temperature 280 ºC Velocidad rotación (max) | Rotation speed (max) 61000 Tabla 2 | Table 2 Datos básicos atomizador (existente) | Basic data on the (existing) spray-dryer Fabricante | Manufacturer SACMI Modelo | Model ATE-140 Unidades | Units 1 Producto a secar | Product to dry barbotina | slip Combustible | Fuel gas natural | natural gas Comburente | Comburant aire/gases de escape | air/exhaust gas Datos de operación | Operating data Capacidad Evap | Evap. capacity 14000 l/h H2O Consumo espec. | Specific consumption 0.96 kW/l H20 Caudal máximo gases | Max. gas flow 27.4 kg/s Tª entrada gases | Input gas Temp 500 ºC Tª gases salida | Output gas Temp 70-100 ºC Tª polvo seco | Dry dust Temp 40-60 ºC Humedad polvo salida | Output dust humidity 4-6% Potencia instalada | Installed capacity 14295 kW Tabla 3 | Table 3