FY53 - FuturEnergy

Movilidad Eléctrica | E-Mobility www.futurenergyweb.es 48 FuturEnergy | Agosto-Septiembre August-September 2018 • Escenario 2 (conservador). Asume que la cuota de ventas de vehículos eléctricos en 2020 es del 3%. Las subvenciones del Estado siguen siendo escasas y se produce un estancamiento del precio de los vehículos eléctricos. • Escenario 3 (impulso fuerte al vehículo eléctrico). Asume que la cuota de ventas de vehículos en 2020 es del 10%. Se impulsa el carsharing en detrimento de la propiedad individual, se supone también una evolución favorable de los precios de las baterías, el despliegue de una amplia red de recarga pública y un marco regulatorio favorable a la expansión de la misma. Red de puntos de recarga públicos La proporción de puntos de recarga públicos con respecto a los vehículos eléctricos es menor que 3,5 a 1, lo que indica que los usuarios recargan principalmente en puntos de recarga privados. Actualmente España es el único país de Europa que tiene una figura tan restrictiva como la del gestor de recarga, sin embargo, el Gobierno ha anunciado que liberará totalmente la regulación de la recarga eléctrica, para que se pueda acceder o vender electricidad en cualquier circunstancia, sin tener que ser un gestor de carga, ni sin tener que ser un comercializador eléctrico. Iberdrola y la movilidad sostenible A través de su Plan de Movilidad Sostenible, Iberdrola contempla el despliegue de 25.000 puntos de recarga, dirigidos principalmente a hogares y empresas, así como a espacios públicos urbanos. Para ello la compañía ha desarrollado la propuesta comercial Smart Mobility: • Smart Mobility Hogar: para el mercado residencial. • Smart Mobility Empresas: orientada a la recarga de flotas de vehículos eléctricos y parking de empleados • Recarga pública. Con Smart Mobility Hogar, el cliente puede elegir entre cuatro modelos de punto de recarga. Todos permiten una configuración de la potencia de recarga hasta 7,4 kW, son compatibles con recarga tipo 1 (Yazaki) y tipo 2 (Mennekes) y admiten la posterior modificación de su cable de carga a otro tipo. Los equipos tienen garantía de dos años, con asistencia gratuita durante ese periodo, incluyendo costes de desplazamiento, mano de obra y repuestos. Además, IberdroSituation in Spain 7,500 BEVs and PHEVs were sold in Spain in 2017 (up 103% on 2016). Despite this figure being very optimistic compared to sales in 2016, the EV market share compared to total car sales is only 0.6%, while in other European countries it is higher (1.7% in the UK; 4.3% in Sweden; and 34.7% in Norway). Three scenarios are proposed for Spain, depending on market evolution: • Scenario 1. In its study “A decarbonised transport model for Spain by 2050”, Deloitte estimates that 4-5% of annual vehicle sales in Spain will be EVs. In this scenario, approximately 62,000 sales would be achieved in 2020. • Scenario 2 (conservative). This assumes that the market share of EV sales in 2020 is 3%. State subsidies are still scarce and there is stagnation in the price of EVs. • Scenario 3 (strong boost to the electric vehicle). Assumes that the share of vehicle sales in 2020 is 10%. Carsharing is being promoted to the detriment of individual ownership. It also assumes a positive evolution in battery prices, the deployment of an extensive public charging network and a regulatory framework that favours its expansion. Public charging point network The ratio of public charging points compared to EVs is under 3.5:1, indicating that users mainly charge their vehicles at private charging points. Spain is currently the only country in Europe that has such a restrictive figure as that of the charge manager, however, the Government has announced that it will completely free up regulation on electric charging so that electricity may be accessed or sold in any circumstance, without the need for a charge manager, or having to be an electricity distributor. Iberdrola and sustainable mobility Through its Sustainable Mobility Plan, Iberdrola envisages the deployment of 25,000 charging points, mainly directed at homes and businesses, as well as for public urban spaces. For this the company has developed it commercial offer called Smart Mobility: • Smart Mobility Hogar: for the residential market. • Smart Mobility Empresas: designed to charge fleets of EVs and for use in employee car parks. • Public charging. With Smart Mobility Hogar, the client can choose from four models of charging point. They can all be configured for a charge output of up to 7.4 kW and are compatible with type 1 charging (Yazaki) and type 2 (Mennekes). The charging cables can be modified as required at a later date. The equipment comes with a two-year guarantee, with free assistance during that period, including displacement costs, labour and spares. Iberdrola is responsible for the installation of the charging equipment undertaken by specialist technicians. In the case of solutions for businesses, the professional client can choose from three