Las instalaciones actualmente existentes se pueden sustituir fácil y económicamente por los módulos individuales del nuevo LB Management de Jung, que son extremadamente compactos gracias a sus 24 mm de fondo, lo que proporciona más espacio para el cableado. Compatibles con las series A, LS y CD de Jung, están construidos sobre un soporte muy rígido de acero y se ajustan firmemente en cualquier caja eléctrica de empotrar. Además, se cablean muy fácilmente y, una vez realizada esta operación, es posible realizar una prueba de funcionamiento gracias al botón de test integrado. Asimismo, el sistema de señalización por LED o pantalla de los módulos LB Management de Jung garantiza que no se produzcan errores durante su montaje. Estas ayudas optimizan la puesta en marcha del sistema, aparte de reducir y facilitar el trabajo del instalador. Comodidad de manejo Las funcionalidades de los diversos dispositivos de iluminación y motorizados de persianas, cortinas o estores pueden combinarse con total libertad para cubrir cualquier necesidad de iluminación, tanto con fines decorativos o de ambientación, como de ahorro y eficiencia energética. El usuario podrá regular y programar la iluminación directamente desde el módulo LB Management de Jung, o bien automatizar las rutinas y escenarios habituales mediante sensores o temporizadores. Currently existing installations can be simply and economically exchanged for individual modules from the new LB Management system from Jung, which are extremely compact thanks to their depth of just 24 mm, creating more space for the wiring. Compatible with Jung’s A, LS and CD series, they are mounted on a very rigid steel support and firmly attach to any flush-mounted box. Wiring up the modules is very easy and once installed, an operating test can be carried out using the integrated test button. Similarly, the LED signage system and screen of the Jung LB Management modules ensure that no errors occur during assembly. These aids optimise system start-up as well as minimise and facilitate the work of the installer. Convenient operation The functionalities of the different lighting devices and motorised blinds, shutters or curtains can be freely combined to cover any lighting need, whether for decorative purposes and to create moods or to make savings and achieve energy efficiency. The user can regulate and programme the lighting directly from the Jung LB Management module or automate their favourite routines and scenarios by means of sensors and temporisers. The new Jung Clever Config app for smartphones is also available, which operates via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. This allows Jung’s new LB Management modular system to be completely independent from any other grid, both wireless and cabled (Wi-Fi, Ethernet, etc), thereby simplifying its installation and facilitating its operation. As such, adjustments are directly transferred to one device or another or imported from other installations. In addition, given that the system is password-protected, device configurations and pairings are secure from unwanted access. New Smart Control 5 panel from Jung for domotic control Another major innovation from Jung, this time for its KNX automation technology, is the Smart Control 5 panel for the comprehensive control and visualisation of the installations in a building or home. Despite its reduced size, which allows it to be installed in any flush-mounted box, the new Smart Control 5 offers full functionality and extends the range of room controllers UN NUEVO SISTEMA PARA EL CONTROL COMPLETO Y EFICIENTE DE LA ILUMINACIÓN Presentado recientemente en la prestigiosa feria Light+Building, el nuevo sistema modular LB Management de Jung puede controlar una amplia variedad de dispositivos de iluminación y motorizados de persianas, estores y cortinas, sustituyendo a los anteriores productos de gestión de luces y persianas del catálogo del fabricante alemán, incrementando ahora sus prestaciones en confort y, especialmente, en eficiencia. A NEW SYSTEM FOR COMPLETE AND EFFICIENT LIGHTING CONTROL Showcased recently at the prestigious Light+Building trade fair, the new LB Management modular system from Jung can control a wide range of lighting devices and motorised shutters, blinds and curtains. It replaces former lights and blinds management products from the German manufacturer’s catalogue to offer enhanced features in terms of comfort and, particularly, efficiency. Sistema LB Management de Jung, tecla sensora universal | LB Management system from Jung: universal push-button sensor Iluminación Eficiente | Efficient Lighting FuturEnergy | Julio July 2018 57