FY52 - FuturEnergy

Fotovoltaica.O&M | PV.O&M FuturEnergy | Julio July 2018 www.futurenergyweb.es 25 Para conseguir el objetivo de rentabilidad, la formula es desarrollar los trabajos de limpieza de paneles en el menor tiempo posible. Innovación y compromiso Las mejores soluciones existentes en el mercado deben comprometerse en ofrecer el mejor servicio a sus clientes, por lo que en su afán por conseguir la satisfacción plena de todos ellos, el equipo de desarrollo deWash Auto Panel, junto con el equipo mecánico, ha vuelto a conseguir los objetivos marcados: Implemento de limpiezaWAP_2018: • Mayor rendimiento. • Mayor eficacia. • Mayor seguridad en el proceso operativo. • Menor consumo de agua. Control de trabajos a través de la APPWash Auto Panel: • Registro de recorrido diario de toda la flota asignada a cada parque solar. • Control en tiempo real de los trabajos por gestores de O&M. • Reportes diarios, semanales y de fin de servicio. Cost effectiveness case study This page illustrates a real example of the yield before and after cleaning, undertaken by Wash Auto Panel on an array of 22 photovoltaic modules, at a large PV plant located in the south of Spain; extrapolating the data to a mega project to see its influence on the results. Having processed and transferred the data in accordance with the IEC60891 standard, the power de-rating is 8.09%. It is important to stress that this is not a situation with extremely high level of dirt, but the usual dirt found during the summer months in a large part of Spain. The above tables set out the economic data, taking as a basis that the difference in yield between a clean and a dirty farm is 8.09% and that the effects of the cleaning will last 75 days, without taking into account adverse weather conditions. To achieve the cost effectiveness target, the aim is to undertake the panel cleaning works in the shortest time possible. Innovation and commitment The best solutions on the market must be committed to offering their clients the best possible service. As a result, in its goal to provide full customer satisfaction, the development team at Wash Auto Panel, along with the mechanic team, has once again achieved the set objectives: WAP_2018 cleaning tool: • Improved yield. • Greater efficiency. • Greater security during the operational process. • Less water consumption. Control of works through theWash Auto Panel app: • Registers the daily rounds of the entire fleet assigned to each solar farm. • Real time control of the works by O&Mmanagers. • Daily, weekly and end of service reports. Antonio Lujan Bernal Director Gerente | Managing Directo,Wash Auto Panel Potencia planta (MW) Días recomendados para ejecutar trabajos de limpieza de módulos fotovoltaicos Plant capacity (MW) Recommended days to perform PV module cleaning works 25 2 50 4 100 6 150 20 200 20 300 20 400 20