FY50 - FuturEnergy

Fotovoltaica. Empresas | PV. Companies FuturEnergy | Mayo May 2018 www.futurenergyweb.es 41 ción, revise y/o redacte un contrato de compra-venta de los módulos, y se incluya alguna cláusula que pueda rechazar el producto durante la garantía del mismo si se incumple alguno de los valores con los que se creado el archivo .pam. Teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de los fabricantes de módulos se encuentran en Asia, es recomendable que los términos del contrato estén sujetos a normativas europeas o al menos del país en el que se ejecuta el proyecto. La inclusión de una cláusula para rechazar el producto en fase de garantía es importante, ya que el archivo .pam es el que ha permitido hacer una simulación con un software especializado, y el resultado de esa simulación permitirá garantizar ciertos valores de rendimiento al propietario de la planta, por lo que si los módulos comprados no cumplen con esos valores mínimos con el paso del tiempo, lo más seguro es que la instalación no pueda alcanzar • Each module inspected must carry an identifiable and easily traceable corresponding image of its electroluminescence test. • During testing at the external laboratory, it is important that the values shown in the module’s Data Sheet used to create the .pam file, are complied with. • The module containers must be sealed by the inspecting company to guarantee that there has been no tampering when they reach their destination. An external body to the buyer/seller should be used, which is often the same company that carries out the inspection, to revise and/or draw up the sales contract for the modules. A clause should be included that allows the product to be rejected during its warranty period in the event of noncompliance with some of the values used to create the .pam file. Bearing in mind that most manufacturers are located in Asia, it is recommended that the terms of the contract are subject to European regulations or to those of the country in which the project is being implemented. The inclusion of a clause to reject the product while under warranty is important, given that it is the .pam file that has enabled a simulation to be undertaken using specialised software. The result of that simulation guarantees the plant owner certain efficiency values, so that if the modules purchased do not comply with those minimum values over time, it is likely that the installation cannot achieve the production and efficiency values guaranteed by the EPC contract. One of the simplest examples is the modules’ output guarantee. Most manufacturers guarantee a module output power based on a degradation curve, however these guaranteed outputs are measured under laboratory conditions: 25ºC for the cell’s temperature and 1,000W/m2 for Ejemplo de prueba electroluminiscencia | Example of an electroluminescence test Test de comprobación de valores de potencia en función de temperatura (0C) y radiación (W/m2) | Output power values verification test as a function of temperature (ºC) and irradiation (W/m2)