Un poco de historia El Centro Cultural del Born en Barcelona es una de las grandes e importantes instalaciones culturales abiertas al público realizadas por la ciudad catalana en los últimos tiempos. Sobre el antiguo Mercat del Born, el principal mercado de abastecimiento de alimentos de Barcelona construido en siglo XIX y que estuvo en activo hasta 1971, el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona hizo una eminente rehabilitación que incluye un relevante yacimiento arqueológico de Cataluña. Además, el anterior mercado está edificado con una extraordinaria arquitectura modernista de estructura de hierro. De hecho, el antiguoMercat del Born es uno de los primeros ymás significativos edificios construidos con hierro en Barcelona. Fue proyectado en 1873 por el arquitecto municipal Antoni Rovira y Trías, y construido entre 1874-1878,momento en el que entró en funcionamiento como mercado central hasta 1971, cuando se hizo la apertura del moderno complejoMercabarna para abastecer de alimentos a la ciudad. Tras una primera restauración en 1977, en el año 2002, cuando se iniciaron las obras para que el edificio acogiera la Biblioteca Provincial de Barcelona, se localizaron los restos arqueológicos de la antigua ciudad medieval y del barrio de la Ribera desde el siglo XIV hasta su destrucción en la guerra de sucesión española. Un proyecto con desafío Con este importante legado histórico, era imperativo una rehabilitación excepcional en todo el equipamiento cultural. En el proyecto A little history The Born Cultural Centre in Barcelona is one of the largest and most important cultural buildings to have been opened to the public in the city in recent years. The Barcelona City Council undertook major refurbishment works on the old Mercat del Born, which used to be Barcelona’s main food market, constructed in the 19th century and active until 1971. In addition to housing one of Catalonia’s most important archaeological sites, the old market itself boasts extraordinary modernist architecture in the form of its iron structure. In fact, the old market is one of the first and foremost iron structures in the city. It was designed in 1873 by municipal architect Antoni Rovira y Trías and constructed between 18741878, when it started operating as the central food market until 1971, when the modern Mercabarna wholesale complex took over the supply of food to the city. After an initial restoration in 1977, works started in 2002 to convert the building into the city’s Provincial Library. It was then that the archaeological remains of the old medieval city were unearthed as well as the 14th century Ribera district that was destroyed in theWar of the Spanish Succession. A project with a challenge Given its important historical legacy, an exceptional refurbishment of this cultural building was essential. As part of the works project, undertaken by Barcelona d’Infraestructures Municipals (BIMSA), the climate control installation for the building was one of the critical phases, for which Optima Airat S.A. installed Rehau radiant floors on the 8,000 m2 ground floor that is accessed from the street. Due to the building’s architectural requirements, the choice of heating system was up to Amaya Arizmendi and Ingrid Cardelús from architect’s studio AC Arquitectes who were responsible for the installation project. The enormous volume of the space to be temperature controlled required an efficient and environmentally friendly solution that would integrate perfectly into the construction while achieving a diaphanous and aesthetically pleasing area. To achieve an optimal level of heating throughout the Centre, the installation had to take place without affecting its environmental comfort. The installation of the nub plates from Rehau thus became the best possible alternative as they offer the highest density on the market REHABILITACIÓN DEL CENTRO CULTURAL DEL BORN CON SUELO RADIANTE Rehau participó en una de las fases clave de la rehabilitación del Centro Cultural del Born, un equipamiento cultural emblemático de Barcelona que contiene un valioso yacimiento arqueológico medieval y del siglo XVIII. Las soluciones en climatización radiante de esta empresa, especialista en soluciones basadas en polímeros, encajaron con rigor y eficiencia en el reto de integrar suelo radiante de gran capacidad y resistencia en un equipamiento con restos arqueológicos que necesitan de una protección especial. REFURBISHMENT OF THE BORN CULTURAL CENTRE WITH UNDERFLOOR HEATING Rehau has taken part in one of the key phases of the Born Cultural Centre refurbishment project. This is one of Barcelona’s emblematic buildings and houses an important medieval and 18th century archaeological site. The climate control solutions offered by this company, a specialist in polymer-based solutions, fully and efficiently responded to the challenge of integrating large capacity and highly resistant underfloor heating into a building containing archaeological remains requiring special protection. FuturEnergy | Marzo March 2018 www.futurenergyweb.es 65 Rehabilitación Energética | Energy Refurbishment